Abstract:Economic security is an important part of national security,and energy security is directly related to economic security. Starting from the connection between energy and economy,this book analyzes the role of energy in the national economy and its impact on the economy when it is unsafe. It specifically analyzes the identification of supply disruption,price fluctuation,energy transition risks and their impact on the economy. On this basis,drawing on the experience of the economies of the United States,the European Union,and Japan,the countermeasures were proposed.
In terms of energy supply interruption:(1) The short-term impact shows that,when other conditions are equal,the energy with a large share,once the supply interruption,it will have a greater impact on the economy,but energy reserves can effectively reduce the loss of energy supply interruption;(2) The long-term impact shows that the interruption of energy supply will cause a certain imbalance in the economic system,before the economic system reaches a new equilibrium,the lack of energy supply will have a certain negative impact on economic development. The GDP and incomes of residents and government will decrease;prices in the industrial sector will increase.
In terms of price fluctuation:(1) In terms of total volume,the short-term impact of energy price fluctuation on China’s CPI and PPI is relatively small,but in the long run,energy price fluctuation will have a significant promotion effect on China’s PPI and CPI;(2) Structurally,short-term energy price fluctuation will have a small positive effect on China’s residents’ consumption and foreign trade,and a short-term negative effect on investment. In the long run,energy price fluctuation will have a negative relationship with China’s residents’ consumption and foreign trade,but a significant positive relationship with investment.
Energy transformation:At this stage,renewable energy has limited effect on economic growth. Vigorous development of renewable energy must also estimate its possible impact on the future economy. An excessively high proportion of renewable energy development will bring high transformation costs to the economic system. Its development should follow the scientific concept of development,and it is not advisable to blindly emulate other countries.
Key words:Energy;Economic Security;Economic Assessment