About the Authors
Matjaz B. Juric holds a Ph.D. in computer and information science. He is Associate Professor at the University of Maribor. In addition to this book, he has coauthored Professional J2EE EAI, Professional EJB, J2EE Design Patterns Applied, and .NET Serialization Handbook, published by Wrox Press. He has published chapters in More Java Gems (Cambridge University Press) and in Technology Supporting Business Solutions (Nova Science Publishers). He has also published in journals and magazines, such as Java Developer’s Journal, Java Report, Java World , Web Services Journal, eai Journal, theserverside.com, OTN, and ACM journals, and presented at conferences such as OOPSLA, Java Development, XML Europe, OOW, SCI, and others. He is a reviewer, program committee member, and conference organizer. Matjaz has been involved in several large-scale object technology projects. In cooperation with IBM Java Technology Centre, he worked on performance analysis and optimization of RMI-IIOP, an integral part of the Java platform.
Matjaz is an author of courses and consultant for the BPEL and SOA consulting company BPELmentor.com. For more information, please visit http://www.bpelmentor.com/
My efforts in this book are dedicated to my family. Special thanks to Jerneja, my friends at the University of Maribor, and to Louay and Damian at Packt Publishing.
Benny K. Mathew is a Sr. Software Engineer at IBM Global Services (India), Bangalore. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Applications. His fascination for computers started at the age of 14, when he first experienced the delight of programming on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum+.
He has co-authored books and articles on technologies like .NET, BizTalk, BPEL, etc.
During his free time, Benny likes to read blogs and help people on the newsgroups related to .NET and BizTalk. He has been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for two consecutive years.
Before joining IBM, he was with companies like Hewlett Packard, Thomson Financials, and Delphi Software.
I’d like to thank Louay for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this book and to Matjaz for giving me valuable suggestions. I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank my parents and family for their support in writing this book.
Poornachandra Sarang, Ph.D., is CEO of ABCOM Information Systems. Dr. Sarang is one of the leading software architects in the industry, has more than 20 years of IT experience and provides consulting services to worldwide clients in architecting and designing IT solutions based on Java, CORBA, Oracle, and .NET platforms. He has been a Visiting Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, USA and is currently a visiting professor for Post-Graduate Computer Science studies at the University of Mumbai. He conducts lectures/seminars on emerging technologies across the world and has made several presentations at international conferences. He has authored/coauthored several books and journal articles on Java, C++, J2EE, e-Commerce, Open-Source Technologies, and .NET.
In this book, Matjaz B. Juric wrote Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Appendix A; Benny Matthew wrote Chapter 7; and Poornachandra Sarang wrote Chapter 2.