About the Reviewers
Joseph Edem Morny has been involved in Enterprise Java technologies since he got introduced to Java in 2005, using open source tools and technologies like JBoss AS and JBoss Seam. His favourite web framework is Seam, which he has been using since its pre 1.5 days.
He has been an active promoter of Java EE and Seam, organizing workshops and seminars on university campuses where he worked as a teaching assistant, and on a national scale at Ghana's foremost institution of IT, Kofi Annan Centre for IT Excellence. Edem holds a Bsc Computer Science from KNUST in Ghana. He is also a SCJP, SCWCD and SCBCD.
Edem is a senior developer at the application development center in Accra, Ghana of an international biometric security solutions company, leading thedevelopment of Biocryptic Identity Management Systems for the global market.
Peter Johnson has been working in information technology since 1980, starting with mainframes, then to Solaris, then Windows, and now also on Linux. In the 90s, he developed using C++ and for the last 9 years has been working with Java. He works in a team that evaluates open source software for inclusion in an open source stack that is offered on Unisys and other hardware. In addition, he spends a lot of time on performance tuning and speaks regularly on that topic at various international conferences, such as the Computer Measurement Group Conference, JBoss World and Linux World. Peter is also currently co-authoring a book on JBoss Application Server, and is a JBoss committer and frequent JBoss forum contributor.