Modeling workflow
This project, as well as almost all of the projects in this book will use the same workflow to make the process a bit easier. The workflow presented here splits the project into four steps, which are as follows:
Some of the projects may have one extra task related with animation, but those parts of the workflow will be used for all of the projects.
Of those parts, the most important is the first one about the search for reference images. It's very hard for an artist to pick the shape of a model, and without any reference images or photos, create a 3D model out of nowhere.
The reference images used for the modeling of this project can be downloaded from Packt Publishing's website. After you have completed this project, I strongly recommend that you try modeling another handgun. This time, pick a handgun you saw in a sci-fi movie or a game, and make a few sketches of the basic shape.
If you manage to make the sketches directly on the computer, simply import this image into Blender and start working on the model. The sketches created by hand can be scanned and work just fine! Actually, I still prefer to hand-draw my sketches before I start working on a project because it's a lot quicker to make changes and experiment with different shapes.
With this first experience, I believe you will get the required knowledge to work on the advanced modeling projects.