About the Reviewers
Jose Argudo is a web developer from Valencia, Spain. After finishing his studies he started working for a web design company. Then, six years later, he decided to freelance.
Now that some years have passed as a freelancer, he thinks it's the best decision he has ever taken because that let him work with the tools he likes, such as Joomla!, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, jQuery, and other known open source technologies.
His desire to learn and share his knowledge has led him to be a regular reviewer of books from Packt, like Joomla! With Flash, Joomla! 1.5 SEO, Magento Theme Design, and Symfony 1.3 web application development.
Recently, he has even published his own book, CodeIgniter 1.7, which you can also find at Packt's site. If you work with PHP, take a look at it!
If you want to know more about him, you can check his site www.joseargudo.com.
Jennifer Marriott is a Canadian musician and a web designer/developer now located in Oklahoma, USA. She has studied Broadcasting and Communications, has been involved in Information Technology since the mid-1990s, and has been a long-time contributor and community member of the Joomla! Project.
Jennifer, along with her business partner Wendy Robinson, runs Marpo Multimedia—a boutique multimedia/web development company.
Jennifer is currently busy with her own book and two new music projects to be released in 2010.