Joomla! 1.5: Beginner's Guide

Chapter 2. Installation: Getting Joomla! Up and Running

Joomla! isn't just an ordinary software package that you can install on your own computer: it needs a web server to run. If you're new to Joomla!, installing a web application may seem daunting. And well, let's be honest, running the installation procedure is probably the least exciting part of working with Joomla!. However, if you just follow the required steps, it's pretty straightforward. It does take a little preparation, but if you've got everything ready, you can walk through Joomla!'s user-friendly setup wizard that takes most of the hassle out of the installation.

In this chapter you'll learn about:

  • What you need to install Joomla!
  • How to install Joomla! on a web server
  • What's in the box: what do you get when you install Joomla!?
  • Where to find help if you get stuck

You'll install Joomla! on a web server, allowing you or anyone else with Internet access to immediately see, and visit your Joomla!-powered site. Your site will be accessible via your own web address (URL), such as When you build and customize the site you'll access the site through your browser.

So let's get started!


Don't fear the technical mumbo jumbo

Joomla! will make it really easy for you to build a state of the art website—but installing the program will inevitably introduce you to some technical names and acronyms. Don't let this intimidate you. If you've never heard of PHP, MySQL, and the like, you may be tempted to call in your computer geek nephew to carry out the installation for you, allowing you to jump ahead to the fun and creative part—creating a beautiful site. But rest assured, you can pull this off yourself. It's like following directions to a destination in a city you're new to. If you keep to the instructions, you're certain to get there. Moreover, as you'll do this more often, you'll get to know the city map better and better. It will take you less and less time to get a new Joomla! site up and running.