Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook

Rearranging Navigation to make it easier

The Navigation Pane on the left-hand side of Dynamics GP is full of useful functions. Sometimes it is too full! For many users it's beneficial to rearrange items on the Navigation Pane to better suit their role. We'll look at how to do that in this recipe.

Getting ready

Most users quickly discover that left-clicking and dragging the separator above the Home button on the left allows them to shrink and expand the space available for Navigation Pane buttons. This expands the room for lists and shortcuts above by transforming the large buttons into smaller, but less intuitive, icons. However, there is so much more that can be done to personalize the Navigation Pane.

How to do it...

Cleaning up the Navigation Pane can provide faster and simpler navigation options. Let's see how by completing the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation Pane select Navigation Pane Options from the bottom-right corner of the pane.
  2. In the Navigation Pane Options window select Purchasing and move it to the top using the Move Up button at the right.
  3. Then select the Sales module and deselect its checkbox. Click on OK:

Now the Purchasing choice has been moved to the top where a user can easily get at it and the Sales option not required for this user has been removed.

How it works...

In our example, a heavy user of the Purchasing module now has the Navigation Pane button immediately below the Home button making it easily accessible. The Sales button that wouldn't be used by a typical Purchasing employee has been removed to clean up the interface.