Selecting the default Joomla! template
You can select the default Joomla! template to be displayed on your website from the administration panel.
Getting ready
Log in to the administration panel and navigate to the Template Manager feature (available from the Extensions | Template Manager option in the menu).
How to do it...
- Select the radio button next to the theme's name; we'll select the JA_Purity template for this example.
- Click on the Default button to select that template as the default template displayed on your website:
- Refresh the frontend of your website, and you'll see the new template in action:
Notice that the content remains the same, but the design changes. For the purposes of this book, we'll now revert the default template to rhuk_milkyway.
How it works...
By selecting a new template as the default, you can change Joomla!'s look and feel quite substantially.
See also
- Changing your template's logo
- Changing your template's color variation