Ogre 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide

Time for action — building the Ogre 3D samples

To get a first impression of what Ogre 3D can do, we will build the samples and take a look at them.

  1. Go to the Ogre3D folder.
  2. Open the Ogre3d.sln solution file.
  3. Right-click on the solution and select Build Solution.
  4. Visual Studio should now start building the samples. This might take some time, so get yourself a cup of tea until the compile process is finished.
  5. If everything went well, go into the Ogre3D/bin folder.
  6. Execute the SampleBrowser.exe.
  7. You should see the following on your screen:
    Time for action — building the Ogre 3D samples
  8. Try the different samples to see all the nice features Ogre 3D offers.

What just happened?

We built the Ogre 3D samples using our own Ogre 3D SDK. After this, we are sure to have a working copy of Ogre 3D.

Pop quiz — which post effects are shown in the samples

  1. Name at least five different post effects that are shown in the samples.

    a. Bloom, Glass, Old TV, Black and White, and Invert

    b. Bloom, Glass, Old Monitor, Black and White, and Invert

    c. Boom, Glass, Old TV, Color, and Invert