Another situation is where neither a window is read-only nor is the tab. It is there that we want to make a few fields read-only on a tab. For example, on our MOM window, the Client and Organisation fields need to be read-only as they are populated, by default, based on the logged in user's details and does not require any modification. This recipe describes the steps to achieve this.
- Log in as System/System with the System Administrator role.
- Go to the Window, Tab, and Field window and look for the Minutes Of Meeting window.
- Select the target tab on Tab and go to the Field tab.
- Check the Read Only checkbox for the Client field, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Repeat the same for Organisation and any other field that you want to be read-only.
- Log out and log in as GardenAdmin/ GardenAdmin with the GardenWorld Admin role.
- Go to the Minutes Of Meeting window. Editing will not be allowed for all the fields we marked as read-only—Client, Organization —as shown in the following screenshot: