Internet of Things Programming with JavaScript

Configuring the one-wire protocol

Open a terminal in the Raspberry Pi, and type the following:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

You should type the following line at the bottom of the page to configure the protocol and define the pin where the one-wire protocol will communicate:


The next step is to reboot the Raspberry Pi. After a few minutes, open the terminal and type the following lines:

sudo modprobew1-gpio
sudo modprobe w1-therm

Enter the folder and select the device that will be configured:

cd /sys/bus/w1/devices

Select the device that will be set up. Change  xxxx to the serial number of the device that will set up in the protocol:

cd 28-xxxx
cat w1_slave

You will see the following:

Configuring the one-wire protocol

After that, you will see one line which says Yes if it appears that the temperature reading is done like this: t=29.562.

Software configuration

Let's now look at the code to display the temperature in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit every second on the screen.

Here we import the libraries used in the program:

import os1 
import glob1 
import time1 

Here we define the devices configured in the protocol:


Here we define the folders where the devices are configured:

directory = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/' 
device_folder1 = glob1.glob(directory + '28*')[0] 
device_file1 = device_folder1 + '/w1_slave' 

Then we define the functions to read temperature and configure the sensor:

f = open(device_file1, 'r') 
readings = f.readlines() 
return readings 

Read the temperature with the function:

readings = read_temp() 

In this function, we compare when it received the message YES and get the t= character. We also get the value of the temperature:

while readings[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES': 
readings = read_temp() 
equals = lines[1].find('t=') 

Then we calculate the temperature, temp in C and F, and return the values:

if equals != -1: 
temp = readings[1][equals pos+2:] 
tempc = float(temp) / 1000.0 
tempf = temp * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0 
returntempc, tempf 

It repeats the cycle every second:

while True: 

Displaying the readings on the screen

Now we need to execute To show the results of the scripts made in Python, open your PuTTY terminal, and type the following command:

sudo python

The command means that, when we run the thermometer file, if everything is running perfectly, we will see the following results:

Displaying the readings on the screen