Applied Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Self/Driving Cars

Understanding activation functions

Activation functions are so important to neural networks as they introduce non-linearity to a network. Deep learning consists of multiple non-linear transformations, and activation functions are the tools for non-linear transformation. Hence, activation functions are applied before sending an input signal to the next layer of neural networks. Due to activation functions, a neural network has the power to learn complex features.

Deep learning has many activation functions:

The threshold function

The sigmoid function

The rectifier function

The hyperbolic tangent function

The cost function

In the next section, we will start with one of the most important activation functions, called the threshold activation function.

The threshold function

The threshold function can be seen in the following diagram:

Fig 2.13: The threshold function

On the axis, we have the weighted sum of the input, and on the axis, we have the threshold values from 0 to 1. The threshold function is very simple: if the value is less than 0, then the threshold will be 0 and if the value is more than 0, then the threshold will be 1. This works as a yes-or-no function.

The sigmoid function

The sigmoid function is a very interesting type of function; we can see it in the following diagram:

Fig 2.14: The sigmoid function

The sigmoid function is nothing but a logistic function. In this function, anything below 0 will be set to 0. This function is often used in the output layer, especially when you're trying to find the predictive probability.

The rectifier linear function

The Rectifier Linear (ReLU) function is one of the most popular functions in the field of ANNs. If the value is less than or equal to 0, then the value of x is set to 0, and then from there, it gradually progresses as the input value increases. We can observe this in the following diagram:

Fig 2.15: The rectifier function

In the next section, we will learn about the hyperbolic tangent activation function.

The hyperbolic tangent activation function

Finally, we have another function, called the Hyperbolic Tangent Activation (tanh) function, which looks as follows:

Fig 2.16: Hyperbolic tangent

The tanh function is very similar to the sigmoid function; the range of a tanh function is (-1,1). Tanh functions are also S-shaped, like sigmoid functions. The advantage of the tanh function is that a positive will be mapped as strongly positive, a negative will be mapped as strongly negative, and 0 will be mapped to 0, as shown in Fig 2.16.

For more information about the performance of the hyperbolic function (tanh), refer to

In the next section of this chapter, we will learn about the cost function.