
The Xuan Yuan Operating System 2.0

(4708 X.Y-Infinity)


Prof. Leo KoGuan

I would rather be a bumblebee poet than not to be

Blood and tears of Wang Yangming’s pearls as red lanterns shining the path of hope in darkness

I am buzzing my way around to sing and praise Xuan Yuan’s Da Tong.

Director,KoGuan Chinese Rule of Law and Principle Studies Center at Tsinghua University School of Law,Professor leo@shi.com

April 7,4710X.Y (2013)

Yue Lu Academy

Table of Content


Part 1 The Xuan Yuan Operating System 2.0(4708 X.Y - Infinity)

Part 2 轩辕运行体系2.0 (4708-永远)(中译文)

Part 3 Appendix 1 KoGuan Quantum InfoDynamics (KQID)(凯原量子信息力学)

Part 4 Reference


2.《立政》-Establishment of Government

Abstract of the Xuan Yuan Operating System 2.0:

Xuan Yuan’s principle<=>LOVE<=>Giving first Taking later<=>5 Mandates (Dao)<=>the 9 anti-entropic quantum steps<=>many manifestations (5 Mandates+guofa+de+renqing)<=>Scientific Outlook Rule of Law and Principle<=>Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic System<=>abundant objects of desire for all to enjoy in a harmonious unity of harmonious global society with nature and in nature<=>LOVE.