The Xuan Yuan Operating System 2.0
(4708 X.Y-Infinity)
Prof. Leo KoGuan
I would rather be a bumblebee poet than not to be,
Blood and tears of Wang Yangming’s pearls as red lanterns shining the path of hope in darkness,
I am buzzing my way around to sing and praise Xuan Yuan’s Da Tong.
Director,KoGuan Chinese Rule of Law and Principle Studies Center at Tsinghua University School of Law,Professor
April 7,4710X.Y (2013)
Yue Lu Academy
Table of Content
Part 1 The Xuan Yuan Operating System 2.0(4708 X.Y - Infinity)
Part 2 轩辕运行体系2.0 (4708-永远)(中译文)
Part 3 Appendix 1 KoGuan Quantum InfoDynamics (KQID)(凯原量子信息力学)
Part 4 Reference
2.《立政》-Establishment of Government
Abstract of the Xuan Yuan Operating System 2.0:
Xuan Yuan’s principle<=>LOVE<=>Giving first Taking later<=>5 Mandates (Dao)<=>the 9 anti-entropic quantum steps<=>many manifestations (5 Mandates+guofa+de+renqing)<=>Scientific Outlook Rule of Law and Principle<=>Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic System<=>abundant objects of desire for all to enjoy in a harmonious unity of harmonious global society with nature and in nature<=>LOVE.