The concern is not that [an AGI] would hate or resent us for enslaving it, or that suddenly a spark of consciousness would arise and it would rebel, but rather that it would be very competently pursuing an objective that differs from what we really want. Then you get a future shaped in accordance with alien criteria.
Nick Bostrom is widely recognized as one of the world’s top experts on superintelligence and the existential risks that AI and machine learning could potentially pose for humanity. He is the Founding Director of the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford, a multidisciplinary research institute studying big-picture questions about humanity and its prospects. He is a prolific author of over 200 publications, including the 2014 New York Times bestseller Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies.
MARTIN FORD: You’ve written about the risks of creating a superintelligence—an entity that could emerge when an AGI system turns its energies toward improving itself, creating a recursive improvement loop that results in an intelligence that is vastly superior to humans.
NICK BOSTROM: Yes, that’s one scenario and one problem, but there are other scenarios and other ways this transition to a machine intelligence era could unfold, and there are certainly, other problems one could be worried about.
MARTIN FORD: One idea you’ve focused on especially is the control or alignment problem where a machine intelligence’s goals or values might result in outcomes that are harmful to humanity. Can you go into more detail on what that alignment problem, or control problem, is in layman’s terms?
NICK BOSTROM: Well, one distinctive problem with very advanced AI systems that’s different from other technologies is that it presents not only the possibility of humans misusing the technology—that’s something we see with other technologies, of course—but also the possibility that the technology could misuse itself, as it were. In other words, you create an artificial agent or a process that has its own goals and objectives, and it is very capable of achieving those objectives because, in this scenario, it is superintelligent. The concern is that the objectives that this powerful system is trying to optimize for are different from our human values, and maybe even at cross-purposes with what we want to achieve in the world. Then if you have humans trying to achieve one thing and a superintelligent system trying to achieve something different, it might well be that the superintelligence wins and gets its way.
The concern is not that it would hate or resent us for enslaving it, or that suddenly a spark of consciousness would arise and it would rebel, but rather that it would be very competently pursuing an objective that differs from what we really want. Then you get a future shaped in accordance with alien criteria. The control problem, or the alignment problem, then is how do you engineer AI systems so that they are an extension of human will? In the sense that we have our intentions shape their behavior as opposed to a random, unforeseen and unwanted objective cropping up there?
MARTIN FORD: You have a famous example of a system that manufactures paperclips. The idea is that when a system is conceived and given an objective, it pursues that goal with a superintelligent competence, but it does it in a way that doesn’t consider common sense, so it ends up harming us. The example you give is a system that turns the whole universe into paperclips because it’s a paperclip optimizer. Is that a good articulation of the alignment problem?
NICK BOSTROM: The paperclip example is a stand-in for a wider category of possible failures where you ask a system to do one thing and, perhaps, initially things turn out pretty well but then it races to a conclusion that is beyond our control. It’s a cartoon example, where you design an AI to operate a paperclip factory. It’s dumb initially, but the smarter it gets, the better it operates the paperclip factory, and the owner of this factory is very pleased and wants to make more progress. However, when the AI becomes sufficiently smart, it realizes that there are other ways of achieving an even greater number of paperclips in the world, which might then involve taking control away from humans and indeed turning the whole planet into paperclips or into space probes that can go out and transform the universe into more paperclips.
The point here is that you could substitute almost any other goal you want for paperclips and if you think through what it would mean for that goal to be truly maximized in this world, that unless you’re really, really careful about how you specify your goals, you will find that as a side effect of maximizing for that goal human beings and the things we care about would be stamped out.
MARTIN FORD: When I hear this problem described, it’s always given as a situation where we give the system a goal, and then it pursues that goal in a way that we’re not happy with. However, I never hear of a system that simply changes its goal, and I don’t quite understand why that is not a concern. Why couldn’t a superintelligent system at some point just decide to have different goals or objectives? Humans do it all of the time!
NICK BOSTROM: The reason why this seems less of a concern is that although a superintelligence would have the ability to change its goals, you have to consider the criteria it uses to choose its goals. It would make that choice based on the goals it has at that moment. In most situations, it would be a very poor strategic move for an agent to change its goals because it can predict that in the future, there will then not be an agent pursuing its current goal but instead an agent pursuing some different goal. This would tend to produce outcomes that would rank lower by its current goals, which by definition here are what it is using as the criteria by which to select actions. So, once you have a sufficiently sophisticated reasoning system, you expect it to figure this out and therefore be able to achieve internal goal stability.
Humans are a mess. We don’t have a particular goal from which all the other objectives we pursue are sub-goals. We have different parts of our minds that are pulling in different directions, and if you increase our hormone levels, we suddenly change those values. Humans are not stable in the same way as machines, and maybe don’t have a very clean, compact description as goal-maximizing agents. That’s why it can seem that we humans sometimes decide to change our goals. It’s not so much us deciding to change our goals; it’s our goals just changing. Alternatively, by “goals,” we don’t mean our fundamental criteria for judging things, but just some particular objective, which of course can change as circumstances change or we discover new plans.
MARTIN FORD: A lot of the research going into this is informed by neural science, though, so there are ideas coming from the human brain being injected into machine intelligence. Imagine a superintelligence that has at its disposal all of human knowledge. It would be able to read all of human history. It would read about powerful individuals, and how they had different objectives and goals. The machine could also conceivably be subject to pathologies. The human brain has all kinds of problems, and there are drugs that can change the way the brain works. How do we know there’s not something comparable in the machine space?
NICK BOSTROM: I think there well could be, particularly in the earlier stages of development, before the machine achieves sufficient understanding of how AI works to be able to modify itself without messing itself up. Ultimately, there are convergent instrumental reasons for developing technology to prevent your goals from being corrupted. I would expect a sufficiently capable system to develop those technologies for goal stability, and indeed it might place some priority on developing them. However, if it’s in a rush or if it’s not yet very capable—if it’s roughly at the human level—the possibility certainly exists that things could get scrambled. A change might be implemented with the hope that it would maybe make it a more effective thinker, but it turns out to have some side effect in changing its objective function.
MARTIN FORD: The other thing that I worry about is that it’s always a concern about how the machine is not going to do what we want, where “we” applies to collective humanity as though there’s some sort of universal set of human desires or values. Yet, if you look at the world today, that’s really not the case. The world has different cultures with different value sets. It seems to me that it might matter quite a lot where the first machine intelligence is developed. Is it naive to talk about the machine and all of humanity as being one entity? To me, it just seems like things are a lot messier than that
NICK BOSTROM: You try to break up the big problem into smaller problems in order then to make progress on them. You try to break out one component of the overall challenge, in this case that is the technical problem of how to achieve AI alignment with any human values to get the machine to do what its developers want it to do. Unless you have a solution to that, you don’t have the privilege even to try for a solution to the wider, political problems of ensuring that we humans will then use this powerful technology for some beneficial purpose.
You need to solve the technical problem to get the opportunity to squabble over whose values, or in what degrees different values should guide the use of this technology. It is true, of course, that even if you have a solution to the technical control problem, you’ve really only solved part of the overall challenge. You also then need to figure out a way that we can use this peacefully and in a way that benefits all of humanity.
MARTIN FORD: Is solving that technical control problem, in terms of how to build a machine that remains aligned with the objective, what you’re working on at the Future of Humanity Institute, and what other think tanks like OpenAI and the Machine Intelligence Research Institute are focusing on?
NICK BOSTROM: Yes, that’s right. We do have a group working on that, but we’re also working on other things. We also have a governance of AI group, that is focused on the governance problems related to advances in machine intelligence.
MARTIN FORD: Do you think that think tanks like yours are an appropriate level of resource allocation for AI governance, or do you think that governments should jump into this at a larger scale?
NICK BOSTROM: I think there could be more resources on AI safety. It’s not actually just us: DeepMind also has an AI safety group that we work with, but I do think more resources would be beneficial. There is already a lot more talent and money now than there was even four years ago. In percentage terms, there has been a rapid growth trajectory, even though in absolute terms it’s still a very small field.
MARTIN FORD: Do you think that superintelligence concerns should be more in the public sphere? Do you want to see presidential candidates in the United States talking about superintelligence?
NICK BOSTROM: Not really. It’s still a bit too early to seek involvement from states and governments because right now it’s not exactly clear what one would want them to do that would be helpful at this point in time. The nature of the problem first needs to be clarified and understood better, and there’s a lot of work that can be done without having governments come in. I don’t see any need right now for any particular regulations with respect to machine superintelligence. There are all kinds of things related to near-term AI applications where there might be various roles for governments to play.
If you’re going to have flying drones everywhere in the cities, or self-driving cars on the streets, then there presumably needs to be a framework that regulates them. The extent that AI will have an impact on the economy and the labor market is also something that should be of interest to people running education systems or setting economic policy. I still think superintelligence is a little bit outside the purview of politicians, who mainly think about what might happen during their tenure.
MARTIN FORD: So, when Elon Musk says superintelligence is a bigger threat than North Korea, could that rhetoric potentially make things worse?
NICK BOSTROM: If you are getting into this prematurely, with a view to there being a big arms race, which could lead to a more competitive situation where voices for caution and global cooperation get sidelined, then yes, that could actually make things worse rather than better. I think one can wait until there is a clear concrete thing that one actually would need and want governments to do in relation to superintelligence, and then one can try to get them activated. Until that time, there’s still a huge amount of work that we can do, for example, in collaboration with the AI development community and with companies and academic institutions that are working with AI, so let’s get on with that groundwork for the time being.
MARTIN FORD: How did you come to your role in the AI community? How did you first become interested in AI, and how did your career develop to the point it’s at right now?
NICK BOSTROM: I’ve been interested in artificial intelligence for as long as I can remember. I studied artificial intelligence, and later computational neuroscience, at university, as well as other topics, like theoretical physics. I did this because I thought that firstly, AI technology could eventually be transformative in the world, and secondly because it’s very interesting intellectually to try to figure out how thinking is produced by the brain or in a computer.
I published some work about superintelligence in the mid-1990s, and I had the opportunity in 2006 to create the Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) at Oxford University. Together with my colleagues, I work full-time on the implications of future technologies for the future of humanity, with a particular focus—some might say an obsession—on the future of machine intelligence. That then resulted in 2014 in my book Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. Currently, we have two groups within the FHI. One group focuses on technical computer science work on the alignment problem, so trying to craft algorithms for scalable control methods. The other group focuses on governance, policy, ethics and the social implications of advances in machine intelligence.
MARTIN FORD: In your work at the Future of Humanity Institute you’ve focused on a variety of existential risks, not just AI-related dangers, right?
NICK BOSTROM: That’s right, but we’re also looking at the existential opportunities, we are not blind to the upside of technology.
MARTIN FORD: Tell me about some of the other risks you’ve looked at, and why you’ve chosen to focus so much on machine intelligence above all.
NICK BOSTROM: At the FHI, we’re interested in really big-picture questions, the things that could fundamentally change the human condition in some way. We’re not trying to study what next year’s iPhone might be like, but instead things that could change some fundamental parameter of what it means to be human—questions that shape the future destiny of Earth-originating intelligent life. From that perspective, we are interested in existential risk—things that could permanently destroy human civilization—and also things that could permanently shape our trajectory into the future. I think technology is maybe the most plausible source for such fundamental reshapers of humanity, and within technology there are just a few that plausibly present either existential risks or existential opportunities; AI might be the foremost amongst those. FHI also has a group working on the biosecurity risks coming out of biotechnology, and we’re interested more generally in how you put these different considerations together—a macro strategy, as we call it.
Why AI in particular? I think that if AI were to be successful at its original goal, which all along has been not just to automate specific tasks but to replicate in machine substrates the general-purpose learning ability and planning ability that makes us humans smart, then that would quite literally be the last invention that humans ever needed to make. If achieved, it would have enormous implications not just in AI, but across all technological fields, and indeed all areas where human intelligence currently is useful.
MARTIN FORD: What about climate change, for example? Is that on your list of existential threats?
NICK BOSTROM: Not so much, partly because we prefer to focus where we think our efforts might make a big difference, which tends to be areas where the questions have been relatively neglected. There are tons of people currently working on climate change across the world. Also, it’s hard to see how the planet getting a few degrees warmer would cause the extinction of the human species, or permanently destroy the future. So, for those and some other reasons, that’s not been at the center of our own efforts, although we might cast a sideways glance at it on occasion by trying to sum up the overall picture of the challenges that humanity confronts.
MARTIN FORD: So, you would argue that the risk from advanced AI is actually more significant than from climate change, and that we’re allocating our resources and investment in these questions incorrectly? That sounds like a very controversial view.
NICK BOSTROM: I do think that there is some misallocation, and it’s not just between those two fields in particular. In general, I don’t think that we as a human civilization allocate our attention that wisely. If we imagine humans as having an amount of concern capital, chips of concern or fear that we can spread around on different things that threaten human civilization, I don’t think we are that sophisticated in how we choose to allocate those concern chips.
If you look back over the last century, there has been at any given point in time maybe one big global concern that all intellectually educated people are supposed to be fixated on, and it’s changed over time. So maybe 100 years ago, it was dysgenics, where intellectuals were worrying about the deterioration of the human stock. Then during the Cold War, obviously nuclear Armageddon was a big concern, and then for a while, it was overpopulation. Currently, I would say it’s global warming, although AI has, over the last couple of years, been creeping up there.
MARTIN FORD: That’s perhaps largely due to the influence of people like Elon Musk talking about it. Do you think that’s a positive thing that he’s been so vocal, or is there a danger that it becomes overhyped or it draws uninformed people into the discussion?
NICK BOSTROM: I think so far it has been met positively. When I was writing my book, it was striking how neglected the whole topic of AI was. There were a lot of people working on AI, but very few people thinking about what would happen if AI were to succeed. It also wasn’t the kind of topic you could have a serious conversation with people about because they would dismiss it as just science fiction, but that’s now changed.
I think that’s valuable, and maybe as a consequence of this having become a more mainstream topic, it’s now possible to do research and publish technical papers on things like the alignment problem. There are a number of research groups doing just that, including here at the FHI, where we have joint technical research seminars with DeepMind, also OpenAI has a number of AI safety researchers, and there are other groups like the Machine Intelligence Research Institute at Berkeley. I’m not sure whether there would have been as much talent flowing into this field unless the profile of the whole challenge had first been raised. What is most needed today is not further alarm or further hand-wringing with people screaming for attention, the challenge now is more to channel this existing concern and interest in constructive directions and to get on with the work.
MARTIN FORD: Is it true to say that the risks you worry about in terms of machine intelligence are really all dependent on achieving AGI and beyond that, superintelligence? The risks associated with narrow AI are probably significant, but not what you would characterize as existential.
NICK BOSTROM: That’s correct. We do also have some interest in these more near-term applications of machine intelligence, which are interesting in their own right and also worth having a conversation about. I think the trouble arises when these two different contexts, the near term, and the long term get thrown into the same pot and confused.
MARTIN FORD: What are some of the near-term risks that we need to worry about over the next five years or so?
NICK BOSTROM: In the near term, I think primarily there are things that I would be very excited about and look forward to having roll out. In the near-term context, the upside far outweighs the downside. Just look across to the economy and at all the areas where having smarter algorithms could make a positive difference. Even a low-key, boring algorithm running in the background in a big logistic center predicting demand curves more accurately would enable you to reduce the amount of stock, and therefore cut prices for consumers.
In healthcare, the same neural networks that can recognize cats, dogs, and faces could recognize tumors in x-ray images and assist radiologists in making more accurate diagnoses. Those neural networks might run in the background and help optimize patient flows and track outcomes. You could name almost any area, and there would probably be creative ways to use these new techniques that are emerging from machine learning to good effect.
I think that’s a very exciting field, with a lot of opportunity for entrepreneurs. From a scientific point of view as well, it’s really exciting to begin to understand a little bit about how intelligence works and how perception is performed by the brain and in these neural systems.
MARTIN FORD: A lot of people worry about the near-term risks of things like autonomous weapons that can make their own decisions about who to kill. Do you support a ban on weapons of those types?
NICK BOSTROM: It would be positive if the world could avoid immediately jumping into another arms race, where huge amounts of money are spent perfecting killer robots. Broadly speaking, I’d prefer that machine intelligence is used for peaceful purposes, and not to develop new ways of destroying us. I think if one zooms in, it becomes a little bit less clear exactly what it is that one would want to see banned by a treaty.
There’s a move to say that humans must be in the loop and that we should not have autonomous drones make targeting decisions on their own, and maybe that is possible. However, the alternative is that you have exactly the same system in place, but instead of the drone deciding to fire a missile, a19-year-old sits in Arlington, Virginia in front of a computer screen and has the job that whenever a window pops up on the screen saying “Fire,” they need to press a red button. If that’s what human oversight amounts to, then it’s not clear that it really makes that much of a difference from having the whole system be completely autonomous. I think maybe more important is that there is some accountability, and there’s somebody whose butt you can kick if things go wrong.
MARTIN FORD: There are certain situations you can imagine where an autonomous machine might be preferable. Thinking of policing rather than military applications, we’ve had incidents in the United States of what appears to be police racism, for example. A properly designed AI-driven robotic system in a situation like that would not be biased. It would also be prepared to take a bullet first, and shoot second, which is really not an option for a human being.
NICK BOSTROM: Preferably we shouldn’t be fighting any wars between ourselves at all, but if there are going to be wars, maybe it’s better if it’s machines killing machines rather than young men shooting holes in other young men. If there are going to be strikes against specific combatants, maybe you can make precision strikes that only kill the people you’re trying to kill, and don’t create collateral damage with civilians. That’s why I’m saying that the overall calculation becomes a little bit more complex when one considers the specifics, and what exactly the rule or agreement is that one would want to be implemented with regard to lethal autonomous weapons.
There are other areas of application that also raise interesting ethical questions such as in surveillance, or the management of data flows, marketing, and advertising, which might matter as much for the long-term outcome of human civilization as these more direct applications of drones to kill or injure people.
MARTIN FORD: Do you feel there is a role for regulation of these technologies?
NICK BOSTROM: Some regulation, for sure. If you’re going to have killer drones, you don’t want any old criminal to be able to easily assassinate public officials from five kilometers away using a drone with facial recognition software. Likewise, you don’t want to have amateurs flying drones across airports and causing big delays. I’m sure a form of military framework will be required as we get more of these drones traversing spaces where humans are traveling for other purposes.
MARTIN FORD: It’s been about four years since your book Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies was published. Are things progressing at the rate that you expected?
NICK BOSTROM: Progress has been faster than expected over the last few years, with big advances in deep learning in particular.
MARTIN FORD: You had a table in your book where you said that having a computer beat the best Go player in the world was a decade out, so that would have been roughly 2024. As things turned out, it actually occurred just two years after you published the book.
NICK BOSTROM: I think the statement I made was that if progress continued at the same rate as it had been going over the last several years, then one would expect a Go Grand Champion machine to occur about a decade after the book was written. However, the progress was faster than that, partly because there was a specific effort toward solving Go. DeepMind took on the challenge and assigned some good people to the task, and put a lot of computing power onto it. It was certainly a milestone, though, and a demonstration of the impressive capabilities of these deep learning systems.
MARTIN FORD: What are the major milestones or hurdles that you would point to that stand between us and AGI?
NICK BOSTROM: There are several big challenges remaining in machine learning, such as needing better techniques for unsupervised learning. If you think about how adult humans come to know all the things we do, only a small fraction of that is done through explicit instruction. Most of it is by us just observing what’s going on and using that sensory feed to improve our world models. We also do a lot of trial and error as toddlers, banging different things into one another and seeing what happens.
In order to get really highly effective machine intelligent systems, we also need algorithms that can make more use of unsupervised and unlabeled data. As humans, we tend to organize a lot of our world knowledge in causal terms, and that’s something that is not really done much by current neural networks. It’s more about finding statistical regularities in complex patterns, but not really organizing that as objects that can have various kinds of causal impacts on other objects. So, that would be one aspect.
I also think that there are advances needed in planning and a number of other areas as well, and it is not as if there are no ideas out there on how to achieve these things. There are limited techniques available that can do various aspects of these things relatively poorly, and I think that there just needs to be a great deal of improvement in those areas in order for us to get all the way to full human general intelligence.
MARTIN FORD: DeepMind seems to be one of the very few companies that’s focused specifically on AGI. Are there other players that you would point to that are doing important work, that you think may be competitive with what DeepMind is doing?
NICK BOSTROM: DeepMind is certainly among the leaders, but there are many places where there is exciting work being done on machine learning or work that might eventually contribute to achieving artificial general intelligence. Google itself has another world-class AI research group in the form of Google Brain. Other big tech companies now have their own AI labs: Facebook, Baidu, and Microsoft have quite a lot of research in AI going on.
In academia, there are a number of excellent places. Canada has Montreal and Toronto, both of which are world-leading deep learning universities, and the likes of Berkeley, Oxford, Stanford, and Carnegie Mellon also have a lot of researchers in the field. It’s not just a Western thing, countries like China are investing greatly in building up their domestic capacity.
MARTIN FORD: Those are not focused specifically on AGI, though.
NICK BOSTROM: Yes, but it’s a fuzzy boundary. Among those groups currently overtly working towards AGI, aside from DeepMind, I guess OpenAI would be another group that one could point to.
MARTIN FORD: Do you think the Turing test is a good way to determine if we’ve reached AGI, or do we need another test for intelligence?
NICK BOSTROM: It’s not so bad if what you want is a rough-and-ready criterion for when you have fully succeeded. I’m talking about a full-blown, difficult version of the Turing test. Something where you can have experts interrogate the system for an hour, or something like that. I think that’s an AI-complete problem. It can’t be solved other than by developing general artificial intelligence. If what you’re interested in is gauging the rate of progress, say, or establishing benchmarks to know what to shoot for next with your AI research team, then the Turing test is maybe not such a good objective.
MARTIN FORD: Because it turns into a gimmick if it’s at a smaller scale?
NICK BOSTROM: Yes. There’s a way of doing it right, but that’s too difficult, and we don’t know at all how to do that right now. If you wanted incremental progress on the Turing test, what you would get would be these systems that have a lot of canned answers plugged in, and clever tricks and gimmicks, but that actually don’t move you any closer to real AGI. If you want to make progress in the lab, or if you want to measure the rate of progress in the world, then you need other benchmarks that plug more into what is actually getting us further down the road, and that will eventually lead to fully general AI.
MARTIN FORD: What about consciousness? Is that something that might automatically emerge from an intelligent system, or is that an entirely independent phenomenon?
NICK BOSTROM: It depends on what you mean by consciousness. One sense of the word is the ability to have a functional form of self-awareness, that is, you’re able to model yourself as an actor in the world and reflect on how different things might change you as an agent. You can think of yourself as persisting through time. These things come more or less as a side effect of creating more intelligent systems that can build better models of all kinds of aspects of reality, and that includes themselves.
Another sense of the word “consciousness” is this phenomenal experiential field that we have that we think has moral significance. For example, if somebody is actually consciously suffering, then it’s a morally bad thing. It means something more than just that they tend to run away from noxious stimuli because they actually experience it inside of themselves as a subjective feeling. It’s harder to know whether that phenomenal experience will automatically arise just as a side effect of making machine systems smarter. It might even be possible to design machine systems that don’t have qualia but could still be very capable. Given that we don’t really have a very clear grasp of what the necessary and sufficient conditions are for morally relevant forms of consciousness, we must accept the possibility that machine intelligences could attain consciousness, maybe even long before they become human-level or superintelligent.
We think many non-human animals have more of the relevant forms of experience. Even with something as simple as a mouse, if you want to conduct medical research on mice, there is a set of protocols and guidelines that you have to follow. You have to anesthetize a mouse before you perform surgery on it, for example, because we think it would suffer if you just carved it up without anesthesia. If we have machine-intelligent systems, say, with the same behavioral repertoire and cognitive complexity as a mouse, then it seems to be a live question whether at that point it might not also start to reach levels of consciousness that would give it some degree of moral status and limit what we can do to it. At least it seems we shouldn’t be dismissing that possibility out of hand. The mere possibility that it could be conscious might already be sufficient grounds for some obligations on our part to do, at least if they’re easy to do, things that will make the machine have a better-quality life.
MARTIN FORD: So, in a sense, the risks here run both ways? We worry about the risk of AI harming us, but there’s also the risk that perhaps we’re going to enslave a conscious entity or cause it to suffer. It sounds to me that there is no definitive way that we’re ever going to know if a machine is truly conscious. There’s nothing like the Turing test for consciousness. I believe you’re conscious because you’re the same species I am, and I believe I’m conscious, but you don’t have that kind of connection with a machine. It’s a very difficult question to answer.
NICK BOSTROM: Yes, I think it is difficult. I wouldn’t say species membership is the main criterion here that we use to posit consciousness, there are a lot of human beings that are not conscious. Maybe they are in a coma, or they are fetuses, or they could be brain dead, or under deep anesthesia. Most people also think you can be a non-human being, for instance, certain animals, let us say, have various degrees and forms of conscious experience. So, we are able to project it outside our own species, but I think it is true that it will be a challenge for human empathy to extend the requisite level of moral consideration to digital minds, should such come to exist.
We have a hard enough time with animals. Our treatment of animals, particularly in meat production, leaves much to be desired, and animals have faces and can squeak! If you have an invisible process inside a microprocessor, it’s going to be much harder for humans to recognize that there could be a sentient mind in there that deserves consideration. Even today, it seems like one of those crazy topics that you can’t really take seriously. It’s like a discussion for a philosophical seminar rather than a real issue, like algorithmic discrimination is, or killer drones.
Ultimately, it needs to be moved out of this sphere of crazy topics that only professional philosophers talk about, and into a topic that you could have a reasonable public debate about. It needs to happen gradually, but I think maybe it’s time to start affecting that shift, just as the topic of what AI might do for the human condition has moved from science-fiction into a more mainstream conversation over the last few years.
MARTIN FORD: What do you think about the impact on the job market and the economy that artificial intelligence might have? How big a disruption do you think that could be and do you think that’s something we need to be giving a lot of attention to?
NICK BOSTROM: In the very short term, I think that there might be a tendency to exaggerate the impacts on the labor market. It is going to take time to really roll out systems on a large enough scale to have a big impact. Over time, though, I do think that advances in machine learning will have an increasingly large impact on human labor markets and if you fully succeed with artificial intelligence, then yes, artificial intelligence could basically do everything. In some respects, the ultimate goal is full unemployment. The reason why we do technology, and why we do automation is so that we don’t have to put in so much effort to achieve a given outcome. You can do more with less, and that’s the gestalt of technology.
MARTIN FORD: That’s the utopian vision. So, would you support, for example, a basic income as a mechanism to make sure that everyone can enjoy the fruits of all this progress?
NICK BOSTROM: Some functional analog of that could start to look increasingly desirable over time. If AI truly succeeds, and we resolve the technical control problem and have some reasonable governance, then an enormous bonanza of explosive economic growth takes place. Even a small slice of that would be ample enough to give everybody a really great life, so it seems one should at the minimum do that. If we develop superintelligence, we will all carry a slice of the risk of this development, whether we like it or not. It seems only fair, then, that everybody should also get some slice of the upside if things go well.
I think that should be part of the vision of how machine superintelligence should be used in the world; at least a big chunk of it should be for the common good of all of humanity. That’s also consistent with having private incentives for developers, but the pie, if we really hit the jackpot, would be so large that we should make sure that everybody has a fantastic quality of life. That could take the form of some kind of universal basic income or there could be other schemes, but the net result of that should be that everybody sees a great gain in terms of their economic resources. There will also be other benefits—like better technologies, better healthcare, and so forth—that superintelligence could enable.
MARTIN FORD: What are your thoughts on the concern that China could reach AGI first, or at the same time as us? It seems to me that the values of whatever culture develops this technology do matter.
NICK BOSTROM: I think it might matter less which particular culture happens to develop it first. It matters more how competent the particular people or group that are developing it are, and whether they have the opportunity to be careful. This is one of the concerns with a racing dynamic, where you have a lot of different competitors racing to get to some kind of finish line first—in a tight race you are forced to throw caution to the wind. The race would go to whoever squanders the least effort on safety, and that would be a very undesirable situation.
We would rather have whoever it is that develops the first superintelligence to have the option at the end of the development process to pause for six months, or maybe a couple of years to double-check their systems and install whatever extra safeguards they can think of. Only then would they slowly and cautiously amplify the system’s capabilities up to the superhuman level. You don’t want them to be rushed by the fact that some competitor is nipping at their heels. When thinking about what the most desirable strategic situation for humanity is when superintelligence arises in the future, it seems that one important desideratum is that the competitive dynamics should be allayed as much as possible.
MARTIN FORD: If we do have a “fast takeoff” scenario where the intelligence can recursively improve itself, though, then there is an enormous first-mover advantage. Whoever gets there first could essentially be uncatchable, so there’s a huge incentive for exactly the kind of competition that you’re saying isn’t a good thing.
NICK BOSTROM: In certain scenarios, yes, you could have dynamics like that, but I think the earlier point I made about pursuing this with a credible commitment to using it for the global good is important here, not only from an ethical point of view but also from the point of view of reducing the intensity of the racing dynamic. It would be good if all the competitors feel that even if they don’t win the race, they’re still going to benefit tremendously. That will then make it more feasible to have some arrangement in the end where the leader can get a clean shot at this without being rushed.
MARTIN FORD: That calls for some sort of international coordination, and humanity’s track record isn’t that great. Compared to the chemical weapons ban and the nuclear non-proliferation act, it sounds like AI would be an even greater challenge in terms of verifying that people aren’t cheating, even if you did have some sort of agreement.
NICK BOSTROM: In some respects it would be more challenging, and in other respects maybe less challenging. The human game has often been played around scarcity—there is a very limited set of resources, and if one person or country has those resources, then somebody else does not have them. With AI there is the opportunity for abundance in many respects, and that can make it easier to form cooperative arrangements.
MARTIN FORD: Do you think that we will solve these problems and that AI will be a positive force overall?
NICK BOSTROM: I’m full of both hopes and fears. I would like to emphasize the upsides here, both in the short term and longer term. Because of my job and my book, people always ask me about the risks and downsides, but a big part of me is also hugely excited and eager to see all the beneficial uses that this technology could be put to and I hope that this could be a great blessing for the world.
NICK BOSTROM is a Professor at Oxford University, where he is the founding Director of the Future of Humanity Institute. He also directs the Governance of Artificial Intelligence Program. Nick studied at the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University and Kings College London prior to receiving his PhD in philosophy from the London School of Economics in 2000. He is the author of some 200 publications, including Anthropic Bias (2002), Global Catastrophic Risks (2008), Human Enhancement (2009), and Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies (2014), a New York Times bestseller.
Nick has a background in physics, artificial intelligence, and mathematical logic as well as philosophy. He is recipient of a Eugene R. Gannon Award (one person selected annually worldwide from the fields of philosophy, mathematics, the arts and other humanities, and the natural sciences). He has been listed on Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers list twice; and he was included on Prospect magazine’s World Thinkers list, the youngest person in the top 15 from all fields and the highest-ranked analytic philosopher. His writings have been translated into 24 languages. There have been more than 100 translations and reprints of his works.