Here are some questions that might be on your mind:
Q) I am struggling with the content that’s been presented so far. Am I cut out for programming?
A) Setting up a development environment and getting your head around OOP as a concept is probably the toughest thing you will do in this book. As long as your game is functioning (drawing the background), you are ready to proceed with the next chapter.
Q) All this talk of OOP, classes, and objects is too much and kind of spoiling the whole learning experience.
A) Don’t worry. We will keep returning to OOP, classes, and objects constantly. In Chapter 6, Object-Oriented Programming – Starting the Pong Game, we will really begin getting to grips with the whole OOP thing. All you need to understand for now is that SFML have written a whole load of useful classes and that we get to use this code by creating usable objects from those classes.
Q) I really don’t get this function stuff.
A) It doesn’t matter; we will be returning to it again constantly and will learn about functions more thoroughly. You just need to know that, when a function is called, its code is executed, and when it is done (reaches a return statement), the program jumps back to the code that called it.