3 了解自家人
★宠物狗是我们家的一员。Our pet dog is one of our family members.
★我生活在一个单亲家庭。I live in a single parent family.
★玛丽五岁时就成为了孤儿。Mary has been an orphan since she was five.
★他努力工作来养家糊口。He works hard to support the family.
★卡罗尔是父亲的掌上明珠。Carol is the apple of her father’s eye.
family tree 家谱
•宗谱 genealogy
•宗族 clan
•部落 tribe
paternity 父系
•母系 maternity
•母系的 maternal
•父系的 paternal
kin 家族
•血缘关系 kinship
ancestor 祖先
•族长 patriarch
•祖先 forefather
•祖先 forebear
offspring 后代
•后代 descendant
•血统 descent
family member 家庭成员
sibling 兄弟姐妹
•姐妹 sister
•兄弟 brother
•姐姐 older sister
•妹妹 younger sister
•哥哥 older brother
•弟弟 younger brother
parent 父母
•母亲 mother
•夫妇 couple
•配偶 spouse
•父亲 father
uncle 叔叔
•婶婶 aunt
grandmother 祖母
•祖父 grandfather
•爷爷 grandpa
•奶奶 grandma
•孙子 grandson
•孙女 granddaughter
nephew 侄子
•侄女 niece
the only child 独生子(女)
•双胞胎 tw
nuclear family 核心家庭
•大家庭 extended family
•单亲家庭 single parent family
•丁克家庭 dink family
relative 亲戚
•近亲 close/near relative
•远亲 distant relative
children 孩子们
•小孩 kid
•儿子 son
•女儿 daughter
•男孩 boy
•女孩 girl
fiancee 未婚妻
•未婚夫 fiancé
stepmother 继母
•继父 stepfather
•继子 stepson
•继女 stepdaughter
mate 配偶
•伴侣 companion
•家伙 guy
•伙伴 buddy
•哥们 dude
intimate 亲密的
•亲密的 close
•熟悉的 familiar
•友谊 friendship
orphan 孤儿
•孤儿院 orphanage
•托儿所 nursery school
•幼儿园 kindergarten
•养老院 home