CHAPTER 2 无敌的青春岁月
10 品品中学生活
★他选择去社区的公立学校上学。He chose to go to the public school in his community.
★杰克拒绝穿校服,因为校服太丑了。Jack refused to wear the school uniform because it’s ugly.
★所有教员都参加了会议。All the faculty attended the conference.
★别忘了今天去上课。Don’t forget to attend class today.
★我把慢跑当成日常锻炼。I jogged as my daily exercise.
faculty 全体教员
•职员 staff
•员工 employee
•雇主 employer
•教授 professor
junior 初级的
•高级的 senior
•中级的 secondary
•附属的 subordinate
•低级的 low
principal 中学校长
•大学校长 president
•系主任 dean
public school 公立学校
•私立学校 private school
acquaint 使熟悉
•熟悉的 acquainted
•熟人 acquaintance
•熟悉的 be familiar with
•告知 notify
semester 学期
•学期 term
•学年 school year/academic year
•三个月长的学期 trimester
office of academic affairs 学术办公室
•学院 academy
uniform 制服
dormitory 宿舍
•宿舍 dorm
•室友 roommate
•宽敞的 roomy
confine 限制
•控制 contain
•监禁 imprison
•限制 circumscribe
•被限制在……内 be restricted to
approval 批准
•不赞成 disapproval
•包退货的 on approval
•认可 authorization
•纵容的 permissive
boarding school 寄宿学校
•走读学校 day school
•函授学校 correspondence school
•贵族学校 exclusive school
supervisor of dorm 宿管
•负责 in charge of
•负责的 responsible
•指挥 direct
curfew 宵禁
•解除宵禁 lift a curfew
•不服从宵禁 break the curfew
•午夜宵禁 midnight curfew
administrate 管理
•管理员 administrator
•管理 administer
•行政的 administrative
•指导 direct
janitor 看门人
•看门人 doorkeeper gatekeeper
•守卫 guard
•保安 security
supervisor 监督者
•执行者 executive
•负责 take charge of
•控制 control
accommodation 膳宿
•饮品 beverage
attend class 上课
•参加会议 attend a meeting
•课程 course
regulation 法规
•交通规则 traffic regulations
•准则 code
•规则 rule
•着装规定 dress code
•标准 standard
abide 遵守
•符合 conform
•遵守规则 obey the rules
•遵守 comply with
necessity 必要性
•需求 requirement
•必要的 essential
•势在必行的 imperative
•强制的 mandatory
without permit 未经许可
•未经许可 without permission
•未经授权的 unauthorized
•禁止的 prohibited
•限制的 restricted
be expelled for 因……被开除
•放逐 banish
•解雇 dismiss
•放逐 outlaw
•拒绝 reject
enable 使可行
•使能够 capacitate
•授予 empower
propose a new regulation 提出新的规定
•附议 second
•推荐 recommend
•倡议 advocate
•号召 call for
custodian 监护人
•监护人 guardian
•守护的人 caretaker
•看门人 janitor
residence 住宅
•官邸 an official residence
•宅邸 mansion
•住处 abode
•宽敞的房间 a spacious room
vacation 休假
•暑假 summer vacation
•寒假 winter vacation
•度假 on vacation/on holiday
•休假 on furlough
be bound to 必然
•不可避免的 inevitable
•必然的 certain
•很可能的 likely
•可能的 possible
circumscribe 限制
adolescence 青春期
•青春期 puberty
•成年 adult
dull 无聊的
•乏味 dullness
•变得厌倦 get bored
•无聊的 boring
•无聊的 monotonous
daily 日常的
•常规 routine
•定期地 regularly
•频繁地 frequently
•例行公事 daily dozen
adjust 调整
•改变 change
•修改 modify
•变化 vary
•适应 adapt
tutorial 家庭教师的
•家庭教师 tutor
•(英国)女教师 mistress
•私人教师 private teacher
cozy up to 讨好
•拍马屁的人 apple polisher
•奉承 flatter /fawn on
pervert 堕落
•堕落 corrupt
•退化 degenerate
•使道德败坏 demoralize
•偏离 deviate
lengthy 漫长的
•长期的 extended
•拖延的 prolonged protracted
•持续很久的 drawn-out
tedious 乏味的
•单调乏味的工作 a tedious job
•厌烦 tedium
•冗长乏味的 stodgy
•陈词滥调的 platitudinous
sneak into 偷偷溜进
•蹑手蹑脚地走 creep
•潜伏 lurk
•偷窃 steal
•暗地里 stealthily
privacy 隐私
•秘密 confidence
•私人的 personal
bulletin board 电子公告栏
•布告栏 notice board