7 我的各类情绪
★每一个人都为这个好消息而高兴。Everyone rejoiced at the good news.
★此时此刻我的悲伤无法用语言形容。No words can express my grief now.
★人生会遇到很多的悲伤。Life has many sorrows.
★无论是祸是福我都会一直爱你。I’ll always love you in weal and woe.
★当有人问我这个秘密时,我就是耸耸肩,笑一下。When someone asks me about this secret, I just shrug and smile.
delighted 欣喜的
•快乐的 joyful
•高兴的 happy
•愉快的 cheerful
•使人快乐的 delightful
gloat 沾沾自喜
•幸灾乐祸 gloat over
•狂欢作乐 revel
•心满意足的 gloating
•假笑 smirk
pleased 乐意的
•不乐意的 displeased
•自鸣得意 pleased with oneself
•得意扬扬 as pleased as punch
•对……感到满意 pleased with...
fulfill 满足
•满足 satisfy
•得到满足 to be satisfied
•装满 fill
•完全实现自己的抱负 fulfill oneself
thrilled 兴奋的
•使听众兴奋 thrill listeners
•幸福地激动 thrill blissfully
•因……而兴奋 thrill at
•不兴奋的 unexcited
•狂热的 hectic
gratify 使满意
•满足 gratification
•满意 satisfaction
•使满足 content
•满足要求 meet the demands
intoxicate 使(沉醉)
•醉酒的 drunk
•清醒的 sober
•使兴奋 elate
rejoice 感到高兴
•高兴 pleasure
•兴高采烈的 elated
•愉快的 jaunty
ecstatic 欣喜若狂的
•极度高兴的 overjoyed
•萎靡不振的 flagging
•激动的 feverish
•狂热的 c
grief 悲伤
•使悲伤 grieve
•遭受不幸 come to grief
•分担忧愁 divide grief
•永恒的哀愁 endless grief
•感到悲伤 in grief
agony 极度的痛苦
•痛苦不堪 in agony
•忍受痛苦 endure agony
•极大的痛苦 deep agony
•说不出的痛苦 untold agony
heartbroken 伤心的
•心碎的男人 heartbroken man
•断肠梦 heartbroken dream
•心碎 heartbreak
•令人伤心的人或事 heartbreaker
misery 痛苦
•忍受痛苦 bear the misery
•带来不幸 bring misery
•一生的苦难 life-long misery
•死于极度贫困之中 die in great misery
•痛苦的 miserable
sorrow 悲痛
•引起伤心事 cause the sorrow
•感到伤心 feel the sorrow
•巨大的悲痛 the keen sorrow
•悲伤的 sorrowful
in anguish 在痛苦中
•忍受痛苦 endure anguish
•无法忍受的痛苦 intolerable anguish
•忌妒的痛苦 jealous anguish
•悲痛欲绝 the anguish of grief
be distressed by 被困扰
•不幸 distress
•贫困地区 distressed area
•痛苦的 painful
despair 绝望
•几乎绝望 despair hardly
•对……感到灰心丧气 despair at sth.
•感到绝望 despair for
•绝望地 in despair
•充满希望的 hopeful
frustration 沮丧
•使沮丧 frustrate
•沮丧 disappointment
•挫败 defeat
•沮丧的 frustrated
sadly 悲伤的
•不快乐地 unhappily
•幸福地 happily
•悲伤的 mirthless
•沉闷的 cheerless
slump 消沉
•疲倦地倒下 slump wearily
•筋疲力尽的 run-down
•沮丧 depression
•衰退 recession
shed tear 掉眼泪
•突然哭起来 break into tears
•流泪 draw tears
•充满泪水 fill with tears
•使某人感动得流下了眼泪 move sb. to tears
woe 悲痛
•悲痛的 woeful
•祸福 weal and woe
•不幸 disaster
•哀叹 sing woe
gloom 阴暗
•冲破黑暗 break the gloom
•在阴暗中 in the gloom
•怀着忧郁的心情 with gloom
lonesome 寂寞的
•孤独 loneliness
•孤独的 lonely
•没有朋友的 friendless
•被抛弃的 abandoned
bummed 郁闷的
•郁闷的 dull
•无精打采 bummed out
•很失望 be totally bummed
•过流浪生活 on the bum
depressed 消沉的
•使沮丧 depress
•沮丧的 dejected
•气馁 down in the dumps
•绝望 desperation
•伤害 harm
solitary 孤独的
•孤独的 alone
•单身的 single
•热闹的 busy
•孤独 solitude
dim 心情灰暗的
•模糊不清的声音 dim sound
•光线暗淡的房间 dim room
•模糊的泪眼 eyes dim with tears
•光线减弱 dim scarcely
dismal 阴沉的
•阴沉的天气 dismal weather
•令人不快的雨 dismal rain
•萧瑟的 bleak
•多云的 cloudy
come as a blow to sb. 对……来说是一个打击
•打击 take a knock
•对某人是很大的打击 great shock to sb.
dread 恐惧
•怕狗 dread dogs
•非常害怕 dread nervously
•不自然的害怕 dread unnaturally
•恐惧的 terrified
fearful 可怕的
•可怕的事故 fearful accident
•可怕的后果 fearful consequences
•过度担忧的 excessively fearful
scared 害怕的
•胆小鬼 sheep
•害怕得要命 scared to death
•胆怯的 timid
•惊恐的 alarmed
unsettle 使……不安宁
•未决定的 unsettled
•一团乱 mess up
•扰乱 harass
•安宁的 peaceful
worry about 为……而担忧
•担心 worry
•十分担心 worry fully
•盲目地担心 worry blindly
trembling 发抖的
•发抖地 tremulously
•怕得发抖 quake with fear
fright 恐怖
•害怕的 frightened
•恐怖 horror
•可怕地 horribly
•使惊吓 frighten
•怯场 stage fright
•大吃一惊 have a fright
shiver 战栗
•颤抖的 shivering
•颤动 quiver
•两腿直哆嗦 shiver in one’s shoes
•吓得发抖 shiver in one’s boots
•战栗的 tremulous
creepy 令人毛骨悚然的
•黑夜怪谈 creepy night
•不寒而栗的房子 creepy house
•幽灵一般的 spooky
•使人毛发直立的 hair-raising
be afraid to do sth. 不敢做某事
•害怕的 afraid
•显得害怕 look afraid
•有点怕 half afraid
•一点不怕 not a bit afraid
•怕某事(某人)afraid of sth./sb.
appall 使恐怖
•使害怕 terrify
•受惊吓 scare
•可怕的 appalling
scorn 嘲笑
•轻视 despise
•嘲弄 scoff
•讥笑 sneer
•不屑接受某人的忠告 scorn one’s advice
•藐视 spurn at
disdain 鄙视
•轻视 despise
•赞美 praise
shrug 耸肩
•不理 shrug off
•耸肩 shrug one’s shoulders
•不理会 shrug away
•抖动肩膀 shake the shoulders
unconcern 不感兴趣
indignity 侮辱
•侮辱 insult
•耻辱 disgrace
•羞愧 shame
•伤害 injury
•尊严 dignity
coolth 漠然
•冷静 calmness coolness
•冷静 tied down
•冷酷 grimness
inhospitality 冷淡
•不好客 chillness
•漠不关心的 indifferent
•好客 hospitality