Unit 04 请您过一下安全门。
安全门用英语表达是security gate,工作人员提示你通过安全门检查时,会跟你说:
Please walk through the security gate.
walk through 走过
security gate 安全门
luggage 行李
inspection 检查
briefcase 公文包
be exempted from 免于
examination 检查
customs 海关
set down 放下
belongings 财物
carry-on luggage 随身行李
X-ray machine X 光检查仪
metal detector 金属检测器
take off 脱下
female 女性的
customs officers 海关人员
body search 搜身
empty out 掏空
pocket 口袋
security 安全
check 检查
search 检查
thoroughly 仔细地
powder 粉末
bottle 瓶子
frisk 搜身
corporation 合作
basket 篮子
place 放置
1. Where should I put my luggage for inspection? 我要把行李拿到哪儿检查?
2. Is my briefcase exempted from examination? 我的公文包是否免检?
3. I have to open my bag, right? 我得打开袋子是吧?
4. How long will it take us to get through customs? 通过海关检查需要多长时间?
5. Please set down your belongings and walk through the security gate. 请您拿出随身物品后通过安全门。
6. Please put your carry-on luggage on the X-ray machine. 请您将随身行李放在X光检查仪上。
7. Please walk through the metal detector. 请走过金属检测器。
8. Please take off your shoes. 请脱掉鞋子。
9. The female customs officers will do the body search. 请到女性海关人员那里接受搜身检查。
10. Please empty out your pockets. 请把口袋里的东西拿出来。
11. For security reasons, we have to check your bag. 为了安全起见,我们必须检查您的行李。
12. I don’t mind. I hope you search everyone very thoroughly. 没关系。希望你们对每个人都检查仔细。
13. What is the white powder in this bottle? 这瓶白色粉末是什么?
14. Excuse me, sir, but I need to frisk you. 先生很抱歉,我必须搜一下身。
15. Checking is done, thank you for your corporation. 检查完毕,谢谢合作。
Please put your carry-on luggage in a basket. 请把你的随身行李放到一个筐里。
A: Hello. Please put your carry-on luggage in a basket. And then place it on the conveyor. Step right this way. Madam. 你好。请把你的随身行李放到一个筐里。然后把筐放在传送带上。女士,请你到这边来。
B: Okay. 好的。
It is not allowed to be carried on the plane. 它不允许被带上飞机。
A: Sorry Madam, your styling mousse is over 100 milliliters. It is not allowed to be carried on the plane. 抱歉,女士,您的这瓶定型摩斯超过了100毫升。它不允许被带上飞机。
B: All right. 好吧。
Would you mind opening your lap top? 您介意打开您的手提电脑吗?
A: Would you mind opening your lap top? 您介意打开您的手提电脑吗?
B: No, not at all. Here you go. 不,不介意。给你。
What do you have in your handbag? 您的手提包里有什么?
A: What do you have in your handbag? 您的手提包里有什么?
B: Just my camera, and a book. 只有我的相机和一本书。
We will have to confiscate them. 我们必须没收。
A: What’s in this plastic bag? 这个塑料袋里是什么呢?
B: Eight treasures porridge. 八宝粥。
A: I’m sorry. We will have to confiscate them. 抱歉。我们必须没收。