8.4 临床检查名词
24小时免疫固定电泳 24 hours immunostaining electrophoresis
3Hz棘慢复合波 3 Hz spike and slow wave complex,petit mal pattern
6Hz良性棘慢复合波 6 Hz benign spike and slow wave complex,phantom spike and wave
6和14Hz正性棘波 6 Hz and 14 Hz positive spike
CT血管造影 CT angiography,CTA
CT值 CT density
F波 F wave
H波 H wave
K复合波 K complex
M波 M wave
N-乙酰天冬氨酸磁共振波谱分析 N-acetyl aspartate MRS
PET-CT检查 PET-CT check
T波 T wave
Wicket节律 Wicket rhythm
α泛化 alpha generalization
α昏迷 alpha coma
α节律 alpha rhythm
α抑制 alpha block
β昏迷 beta coma
β节律 beta rhythm
δ节律 delta rhythm
δ刷 delta brush
θ节律 theta rhythm
κ节律 kappa rhythm
λ波 lambda wave
爱泼沃斯嗜睡量表 Epworth sleepiness scale,ESS
暴发 burst
暴发抑制 burst suppression
背景活动 background activity
鼻咽电极 nasopharyngeal electrode
表观扩散系数 apparent diffusion coefficient
波幅 amplitude
波间期 interpotential interval
波率 frequency
波形 wave form
波形离散 temporal dispersion
波形衰减 waning discharge
玻片离心法 glass slide centrifugation
不应期 refractory period
参考电极 reference electrode
侧颈部穿刺 lateral cervical puncture
插入电位 insertion activity
颤抖 jitter
长潜伏期躯体感觉诱发电位 long-latency SEP
常春藤征 ivy sign
超极化 hyperpolarization
超强刺激 supramaximal stimulus
沉淀池法 sediment chamber method
成对刺激 paired stimuli
成对放电 paired discharge
成人临床下节律性脑电放电 adult subclinical rhythmic electrographic discharge
迟发反应 late response
持续非节律性δ活动 persisted norhythmic delta activity
重叠波 superimposed wave
重复放电 repetitive discharge
重复神经刺激 repetitive nerve stimulation,RNS
传导速度 conduction velocity,CV
传导阻滞 conduction block,CB
纯音测听 pure tone audiometry
磁共振波谱分析 magnetic resonance spectroscopy,MRS
磁共振静脉造影 magnetic resonance venography,MRV
磁共振血管造影 magnetic resonance angiography,MRA
次强刺激 submaximal stimulus
刺激电极 stimulating electrode
刺激区 irritative zone
刺激伪差 artifact
刺激序列 train of stimuli
催眠性超同步化 hypnagogic hypersynchrony
寸移技术 inching technique
大脑后动脉斑块 posterior cerebral artery plaque
大脑前动脉斑块 anterior cerebral artery plaque
大脑中动脉斑块 middle cerebral artery plaque
大脑中动脉高密度征 hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign
单纯相 simple pattern
单光子发射计算机断层显像 single photon emission computed tomography,SPECT
单核样细胞反应 monocytoid cell reaction
单极导联 monopolar recording
单极记录针电极 monopolar needle recording electrode
单纤维肌电图 single-fiber electromyography,SFEMG
单纤维针电极 single-fiber needle electrode
单相波 monophasic wave
单相动作电位 monophasic action potential
单一节律枕区δ活动 monorhythmic occipital delta activity
胆碱磁共振波谱分析 choline MRS
蛋白酶学检查 protease study
蛋白细胞分离 albuminocytologic dissociation
导联 montage
低波幅活动 low voltage activity
低电压 low voltage
低频滤波 low-frequency filter
递减反应 decrementing response
递增反应 incrementing response
癫痫伴慢波睡眠期持续棘慢波 epilepsy with slow wave sleep phase for spine slow wave
癫痫募集节律 epileptic recruiting rhythm
癫痫样放电 epileptiform discharge
癫痫源病灶 epileptogenic focus,spike focus,sharp wave focus
点燃 kindling
电刺激伪差 electric artifact
电极 electrode
电静息 electric silence
电诊断法 electrodiagnosis
电诊断医学 electrodiagnostic medicine
蝶骨电极 sphenoidal electrode
顶部一过性尖波 vertex sharp transient
定量感觉测定 quantitative sensory testing,QST
定量脑电图 quantitative EEG,QEEG
动态脑电图 ambulatory EEG,AEEG
动作电位 action potential
毒物筛查 toxicology screening
短潜伏期躯体感觉诱发电位 short-latency somatosensory evoked potential,SLSEP
对比度增强 contrast enhancement
对称性 symmetry
对冲 collision
多次睡眠潜伏期试验 multiple sleep latency test,MSLT
多重放电 multiple discharge
多导电极 multielectrode
多导睡眠图 polysomnography,PSG
多棘波 polyspike
多棘慢复合波 polyspike wave complex
多普勒血流图 Doppler blood flow
多相波 polyphasic wave
多相动作电位 polyphasic action potential
多形性波 polymorphic wave
多灶性 multiple foci
额区一过性尖波 frontal sharp transient
额中线θ节律 frontal midline theta rhythm,Fmθ
儿童后头部慢波 posterior slow wave of youth
发放间隔 interdischarge interval
发放模式 firing pattern
发放频率 firing rate
发泡实验 foaming experiment
发作间期放电 interictal discharge
发作期放电 ictal discharge
发作起始区 ictal onset zone,pacemaker zone
反应 response
纺锤波形昏迷 spindle coma
放电 discharge
放电频率 discharge frequency
非常浅睡期 very light sleep
非快速眼动睡眠 non-rapid eye movement(NREM)sleep,NREM sleep
非连续图形 trace discontinuous,TD
峰间期 interpeak interval
峰潜伏期 peak latency
蜂鸟征 hummingbird sign
弗洛因综合征 Froin syndrome
复合波 complex wave
复合重复放电 complex repetitive discharge,CRD
复合混合神经动作电位 compound mixed nerve action potential
复合肌肉动作电位 compound muscle action potential,CMAP
复合神经动作电位 compound nerve action potential
复合运动神经动作电位 compound motor nerve action potential
复极化 repolarization
副肿瘤性相关抗体 paraneoplastic antibody
富士山征 Mount Fuji sign
钆对比剂 gadolinium contrast agent
干扰相 interference pattern
感觉神经传导速度 sensory nerve conduction velocity,SNCV
感觉神经定量检测 sensory nerve quantitative detection
感觉神经动作电位 sensory nerve action potential,SNAP
高度节律失调 hypsarrhythmia
高频滤波 high-frequency filter
弓形波 arch wave
功能不应期 functional refractory period
寡克隆区带 oligoclonal band
灌注加权成像 perfusion weighted imaging,PWI
光肌阵挛反应 photo myoclonic response,photo myogenic response
光敏性反应 photosensitivity response,photoparoxysmal response
光驱动 photic driving
广泛性 generalization
轨道征 tram-track sign
过度不连续 excessive discontinuity
过度换气 hyperventilation
含铁血黄素吞噬细胞 phagocyte containing hemosiderin
后电位 after potential
虎眼征 eye of tiger sign
化学位移 chemical shift
回波时间 echo time
回返放电 back firing
混合性细胞反应 mixed cell reaction
肌病性募集相 myopathic recruitment
肌颤搐放电 myokymic discharge
肌电图 electromyogram
肌电图学 electromyography
肌牵张反射 muscle stretch reflex
肌强直放电 myotonic discharge
肌肉超声 muscle ultrasound
肌肉核磁检查 muscle nuclear magnetic examination
肌酸磁共振波谱分析 creatine MRS
肌酸激酶检查 creatine kinase
肌纤维传导速度 muscle fiber conduction velocity
肌纤维动作电位 muscle fiber action potential
肌源性运动单位电位 myopathic motor unit potential
基底动脉斑块 basal artery plaque
基因检查 gene screening
激活型单核样细胞 activated monocytoid cell
极度纺锤 extreme spindle
极化 polarization
棘波 spike
棘波地形图 spike topography
棘波节律 spike rhythm,fast rhythm,fast activity
棘慢复合波 slow spike wave complex,spike wave complex
脊髓造影 myelography
记录电极 recording electrode
甲状腺功能 thyroid function
假性动脉瘤影 false aneurysm shadow
假周期性广泛性癫痫样放电 pseudoperiodic generalized epileptiform discharge,PGED
尖波 sharp wave
尖慢复合波 sharp wave complex
间歇性节律性δ活动 intermittent rhythmic delta activity,monorhythmic frontal delta activity
交替性活动 alternating trace
觉醒 awake
觉醒反应 arousal response
接地极 earth electrode,ground electrode
节律 rhythm
节律性爆发 rhythm burst
节律性颞区θ活动 rhythmic temporal theta activity
节律性枕区θ活动 rhythmic occipital theta activity
近场电位 near-field potential
近端潜伏期 proximal latency
经颅多普勒超声 transcranial Doppler sonography
经颅多普勒超声异常 abnormal transcranial Doppler ultrasound
经颅多普勒检查 transcranial Doppler
精神运动性变异型波 psychomotor variant,rhythmic mid-temporal discharge,rhythmical temporal theta burst
颈动脉彩色多普勒超声 carotid artery color Doppler flow imaging
颈静脉压迫试验 jugular vein compression test
颈内动脉斑块 artery arteriosclerotic plaque
颈总动脉斑块 carotid artery plaque
痉挛性放电 cramp discharge
静脉窦造影 venous sinus angiography
静息膜电位 resting membrane potential
镜像灶 mirror focus
局部电压衰减 focal voltage attenuation,lazy activity
局灶性 focus,location
巨肌电图 macroelectromyography [又称]巨型肌电图 △
巨肌电图针电极 macro-EMG needle electrode [又称]巨型肌电图针电极 △
巨运动单位动作电位 macromotor unit action potential
锯齿样动作电位 serrated action potential
抗Hu抗体 anti-Hu antibody
抗链O streptococcus O antibody
抗水通道蛋白4抗体 anti-aquaporin-4 antibody
抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体 anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody,ANCA
空三角征 empty delta sign
库欣反应 Cushing response [又称]柯兴反应 △
快波 fast wave
快棘波样纺锤变异型 fast spiky spindle variant
快速眼动密度 REM density
快速眼动期次数 number of REM period
快速眼动睡眠 rapid eye movement(REM)sleep,REM sleep
快速眼动睡眠潜伏期 REM sleep latency
快速自旋回波脉冲序列 fast spin echo,FSE
奎肯施泰特试验 Queckenstedt test [又称]奎肯斯提特试验 △
拉莫尔频率 Larmor frequency
老年人颞部一过性小尖波 temporal minor sharp transient of old age
类风湿因子 rheumatoid factor
裂缝桥脑征 split pons sign
临床肌电图 clinical electromyography
淋巴细胞性脑膜炎 lymphocytic meningitis
淋巴样细胞反应 lymphoidocyte reaction
颅内压 intracranial pressure
录像脑电监测 video-EEG,VEEG
卵圆孔电极 foramen ovale electrode
罗兰多区正相尖波 Rolandic positive sharp wave
慢波 slow wave
门状棘波 wicket spike
弥散加权成像 diffusion weighted imaging,DWI
免疫球蛋白合成率 immunoglobin synthesis rate
磨牙征 molar tooth sign
募集 recruitment
募集间期 recruitment interval
募集频率 recruitment frequency
募集相 recruitment pattern
脑池显像 brain pool imaging
脑磁图 magnetoencephalography,MEG
脑大池穿刺 cisternal puncture
脑电地形图 EEG brain map,brain electrical activity mapping
脑电活动 cerebral electrical activity
脑电静息 electrocerebral inactivity,ECI
脑电图 electroencephalography,EEG
脑电图伪差 electroencephalography artifact
脑电图仪灵敏度 electroencephalography sensitivity
脑电阻尼 electroencephalogram damping
脑干听觉诱发电位 brainstem auditory evoked potential,BAEP
脑灌注显像 cerebral perfusion imaging
脑脊液 cerebrospinal fluid
脑脊液C反应蛋白 cerebrospinal fluid C-reactive protein
脑脊液β2微球蛋白 cerebrospinal fluid β 2 microglobulin
脑脊液白细胞增多 cerebrospinal fluid leukocytosis
脑脊液蛋白 cerebrospinal fluid protein
脑脊液蛋白电泳 cerebrospinal fluid protein electrophoresis
脑脊液蛋白定性检查 qualitative analysis of cerebrospinal fluid protein
脑脊液蛋白商检测 detection of cerebrospinal fluid G/A
脑脊液革兰染色法 cerebrospinal fluid Gram staining
脑脊液化验 cerebrospinal fluid analysis
脑脊液黄变 cerebrospinal fluid xanthochromia
脑脊液浆细胞 cerebrospinal fluid plasma cell
脑脊液抗酸细菌染色法 cerebrospinal fluid acid-fast bacilli stain
脑脊液氯化物 cerebrospinal fluid chloride
脑脊液三管试验 cerebrospinal fluid triple tube test
脑脊液糖含量 cerebrospinal fluid glucose
脑脊液外观 gross appearance of cerebrospinal fluid
脑脊液细胞学 cerebrospinal fluid cytology
脑脊液压力检测 cerebrospinal fluid manometry
脑室液 ventricular fluid
脑室造影 ventriculography
脑诱发电位 cerebral evoked potential
逆向 antidromic
颞区和中央区一过性负相尖波 temporal and central negative sharp transient
偶极子 dipole
偶极子定位 dipole localization method
潘迪试验 Pandy’s test
皮层电极 cortical electrode
皮肤交感反应 skin sympathetic response,SSR
匹兹堡睡眠量表 Pittsburgh sleep scale
频率分析 frequency analysis
平均参考电极 average reference electrode
牵牛花综合征 morning glory syndrome
前头部非节律性慢波 slow anterior dysrhythmia
前头部慢节律 anterior bradyrhythmia
潜伏期 latency
浅睡期 light sleep
强直性收缩 tetanic contraction
鞘内注射 intrathecal injection
丘脑枕征 pulvinar sign
躯体感觉诱发电位 somatosensory evoked potential,SEP
去极化 depolarization
去极化阻滞 depolarization block
去神经电位 denervation potential
缺口节律 breach rhythm,independent temporal alphoid rhythm
缺血性半暗带 ischemic penumbra
容积传导 volume conduction
乳酸 lactic acid
乳酸磁共振波谱分析 lactate MRS
三重放电 triple discharge
三相波 triphasic wave
三相动作电位 triphasic action potential
散发 random
闪光搐搦反应 photic convulsive response
闪光刺激 photic stimulation
上升时间 rise time
深部电极 depth electrode
深睡期 deep sleep
神经超声 nerve ultrasonic
神经传导 nerve conduction
神经传导测定 nerve conduction study,NCS
神经传导速度 nerve conduction velocity,NCV
神经电图学 electroneurography
神经动作电位 nerve action potential,NAP
神经性肌强直放电 neuromyotonic discharge
十字交叉征 hot cross bun sign
时间常数 time constant,TC
时限 duration
时相 phase
事件相关电位 event-related potential
视觉诱发电位 visual evoked potential,VEP
视频脑电监测 video-EEG,VEEG
适应 adaptation
嗜酸性粒细胞性脑膜炎 eosinophic meningitis
手套形波 mitten pattern
束颤电位 fasciculation potential
数字化脑电图 digital EEG
数字减影血管造影 digital substraction angiography,DSA
双重放电 double discharge
双极刺激电极 bipolar stimulating electrode
双极导联 bipolar recording
双极记录针电极 bifilar needle recording electrode
双相波 biphasic wave
双相动作电位 biphasic action potential
睡眠剥夺 sleep deprivation
睡眠纺锤 spindle,sigma rhythm
睡眠呼吸暂停监测 sleep apnea monitoring
睡眠-觉醒次数 number of awakening
睡眠阶段转换次数 number of stage shift
睡眠期一过性枕部正性尖波 positive occipital sharp transient of sleep,POSTS
睡眠潜伏期 sleep latency
睡眠始发的快速眼动 sleep-onset REM
睡眠效率 sleep efficiency
顺向 orthodromic
瞬目反射 blink reflex
思睡期 early drowsiness
思睡期慢波活动 drowsing slow activity
髓鞘碱性蛋白 myelin basic protein
损伤电位 injury potential
索带征 cord sign
锁骨下动脉斑块 subclavian artery plaque
调幅调制 modulation
调节 regulation
听觉诱发电位 auditory evoked potential,AEP
同步性 synchrony
同芯园针电极 concentric needle electrode
头颅核磁 brain nuclear magnetic examination
投射性节律 projected rhythm
退化棘慢复合波 rudimentary spike and slow wave complex
吞噬红细胞作用 erythrophagocytosis
瓦达试验 Wada test,intracarotid amobarbital procedure
瓦尔萨尔瓦试验 Valsalva maneuver,Valsalva test
微觉醒 microarousal
微神经电图 microneurography
微栓子监测 microembolism monitoring
伪差 artifact
卫星电位 satellite potential
位相倒置 phase-reversal
卧床时间 time in bed,TIB
无名动脉斑块 anonymous artery plaque
纤颤电位 fibrillation potential
纤维密度 fiber density,FD
陷波滤波 notch filter
相对不应期 relative refractory period
相位 phase
小尖棘波 small sharp spike,benign sporadic sleep spike,benign epileptiform transient of sleep [又称]良性散发睡眠期棘波 △,良性睡眠期一过性癫痫波 △
小脑后下动脉斑块 posterior inferior cerebellar artery plaque
小脑前下动脉斑块 anterior inferior cerebellar artery plaque
小脑上动脉斑块 superior cerebellar artery plaque
小终板电位 miniature end-plate potential,MEPP
谐调频率同步化 harmonic driving
谐调下频率同步化 subharmonic driving
心电图 electrocardiogram
兴奋后衰竭 postactivation exhaustion
兴奋后抑制 postactivation inhibition
兴奋后易化 postactivation facilitation
兴奋后增强 postactivation potentiation
兴奋性突触后电位 excitatory postsynaptic potential,EPSP
血沉 erythrocyte sedimentation rate,ESR
血管造影线样征 angiographic string sign
血尿代谢筛查 hematuria metabolism screening
血性脑脊液 bloody cerebrospinal fluid
压腹试验 Stookey test
压颈动脉窦 carotid sinus compression [又称]颈动脉窦压迫 △
亚甲基蓝试验 methylene blue test [又称]漏美蓝试验 △
亚临床电发作发放 subclinical electrographic seizure discharge
延迟 delay
阳极 anode
阳极阻滞 anodal block
腰椎穿刺 lumbar puncture
腰椎穿刺后头痛 post-lumbar puncture headache
液体衰减反转恢复 fluid attented inversion recovery
一侧性 unilateral activity
一过性融合慢波 slow fused transient
乙酰胆碱受体抗体谱 acetylcholine receptor antibody spectrum
抑制性突触后电位 inhibitory postsynaptic potential
易化 facilitation
阴极 cathode
硬膜尾征 dural tail sign
游走性 shift
诱发电位 evoked potential
阈刺激 threshold stimulus
阈下刺激 subthreshold stimulus
阈值 threshold
远场电位 far-field potential
远端潜伏期 distal latency
运动单位 motor unit
运动单位动作电位 motor unit action potential,MUAP
运动单位范围 motor unit territory
运动单位数目估计 motor unit number estimation,MUNE
运动点 motor point
运动反应 motor response
运动后递增 increment after exercise
运动潜伏期 motor latency
运动神经传导速度 motor nerve conduction velocity,MNCV
运动伪差 movement artifact
运动诱发电位 motor evoked potential,MEP
噪音 noise
占位效应 mass effect
阵发 paroxysmal
睁闭眼诱发试验 eyes-open and eyes-closed test
正电子发射断层显像 positron emission tomography
正锐波 positive sharp wave
正弦波 sinusoidal wave
脂肪吞噬现象 lipophagocytosis
脂肪抑制序列 fat suppression
直角征 Dawson’s finger
直立倾斜实验 head upright tilt testing,head-up tilt test,upright tilttable testing
中潜伏期躯体感觉诱发电位 midlatency SEP
中枢运动传导时间 central motor conduction time
中睡期 moderate sleep
中线θ节律 midline theta rhythm
中线棘波 midline spike
中央μ节律 central mu rhythm
中央颞区δ活动 centrotemporal delta activity
终板电活动 end-plate activity
终板区 end-plate zone
肿瘤标记物 tumor marker
周期性 periodic
周期性单侧癫痫样放电 periodic lateralized epileptiform discharge,PLED
周期性放电 periodic discharge,PD
周期性肢体运动指数 periodic limb movement index
轴索断伤 axonotmesis
转化型淋巴细胞 transformed lymphocyte
转折 turn
椎动脉斑块 vertebral artery plaque
自发电位 spontaneous potential
自旋回波脉冲序列 spin echo pulse sequence
自由感应衰减 free induction decay,FID
总睡眠时间 total sleep time,TST
最大传导速度 maximum conduction velocity
最大刺激 maximum stimulus
作用电极 active electrode