To Grind a Metal Rod into a Needle
During the Tang Dynasty lived a famous poet named Li Bai.When he was young,he did not like to study.Li Bai felt that studying was boring and that he already knew everything that was taught,however he did not know how to become a talented and intellectual student.One day at school,Li Bai was bored,so he vowed never to study again.He secretly crept out of the classroom to play by the river.When he arrived at the riverbank, he saw an elderly lady grinding a thick metal rod.Li Bai curiously asked the elderly lady why she was grinding the metal rod,who replied that she was grinding the metal rod into a needle to make clothes.Alarmed,Li Bai continued to question how it was possible and how long it would take。The elderly lady confidently said she was not afraid how long it would take,and all she needed was patience to succeed.Li Bai felt ashamed at himself because the elderly lady,though old,had such great will power.Li Bai realized he needed to continue to study;he bowed to the elderly lady,thanked her,then returned to school.Since then Li Bai studied hard and never gave up when faced with problems.He always remembered the words of the el.derly lady.Eventually Li Bai became a famous poet.
The proverb“to grind a metal rod into a needle”means success comes with will power and patience.