4 General
4.0.1 The code is compiled for the purpose of standardizing the conduct of power construction project management,and improving the power construction project management level.
4.0.2 The code is compiled in accordance with coherent laws,regulations,rules,specifications and mandatory standards for project construction,such as Construction Law of the People's Republic of China,Contract Law of the People's Republic of China,Electricity Law of the People's Republic of China,Construction Quality Management Regulations,Construction Projects Safety Management Provisions and Code of Construction Project Management.
4.0.3 The management organization and the construction organization must sign a written construction supervision contract in accordance with the law to clarify rights,obligations,responsibilities,management fees,management service periods,management scopes and contents of both parties.
Communications and relevant activities between the construction enterprises and the contractors shall be carried out by the project management department within the management scope.
4.0.4 The chief project management engineer shall take full responsibility for power construction project management.
4.0.5 Management engineers must comply with the professional code of observance of law,trustworthiness,fairness and scientificity,and protect the legitimate rights and interests of power construction enterprises,without prejudice to the legitimate rights and interests of other enterprises.
4.0.6 In addition to provisions stated herein,power construction management shall also comply with the existing laws,regulations,rules,specifications and mandatory standards for project construction.