3 Basic Requirements
3.0.1 The specifications of mill sets for producing high frequency longitudinal welded pipe(ERW),spiral submerged-arc welded pipe(SSAW)and stainless steel continuous welded pipe(EFW)should be selected on the basis of Table 3.0.1.
Table 3.0.1 Specifications of Mill Sets for Production of ERW,SSAW and EFW Pipes

Note:ERW in the above Table 3.0.1 refers to the mill set for production of high frequency longitudinal welded pipes,SSAW the mill setfor production of spiral submerged-arc welded pipes,and EFW the mill set for production of stainless steel continuous welded pipes.
3.0.2 The mill set for production of longitudinal submerged-arc welded pipes should be installed nearby the wide/heavy plate mill set where supply of feedstock is guaranteed.