4.2 Equipment Foundation Acceptance and Resurvey,Setting Out of Benchmark and Baseline
4.2.1 The equipment before installation shall receive foundation handover and inspection.Those equipment foundations failed to pass the acceptance shall not be installed.
4.2.2 The civil organization shall make physical handover with the equipment installation organization on the foundation measurement control net,benchmark and settlement observation point.Moreover,handover materials signed and sealed by the quality check and project supervision department shall be attached.The handover materials shall include handover list,as well as the actual observation records of foundation overall dimensions and the central lines and elevations of the anchor bolts or preformed holes,T-shaped bolt holes,embedded parts,etc..
4.2.3 The equipment installation organization shall conduct foundation resurvey and appearance check according to the handover materials;moreover,the following requirements shall be met:
1 Formworks,anchor bolt supporting structures and exposed steel bars on the foundation surfaces shall be dismounted completely.Laitance,oil contamination,gravels,clay and ponding on the foundation surfaces shall be removed/cleaned clearly.
2 The foundation surface elevation,equipment central line,central distance of preformed holes and perpendicularity of the holes,top elevation,perpendicularity and central distance of embedded anchor bolts,central line and elevation of embedded parts,and foundation appearances shall meet relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 50231 General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering.For T-head anchor bolts,the foundation plate(anchor plate)elevations and direction of the rectangle holes thereof shall be actually surveyed and checked,and shall meet the requirements of the design document.
3 The thread parts of the embedded anchor bolts shall be cleared and coated with grease on the surfaces.
4 Before installation,the sizes and depths of the preformed holes and the combination of bushing and concrete shall be checked,and shall meet the requirements of the design document.
5 The preformed holes of the anchor bolts shall be prevented from oil,water and sundries,and protection measures shall be taken if necessary.
4.2.4 The measurement of the foundation and the elevation benchmark before installation shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 Layout drawing of baseline and benchmark should be drawn according to the construction drawing and the measurement control net to issue a measurement task notification should be issued to the measurement organization.
2 The measurement organization shall measure and set out of baseline and benchmark according to the measurement task notification,and shall submit a measurement achievement report and conduct physical handover to the installation personnel.
3 Permanent central targets and elevation points shall be embedded for the main equipment of the blast furnace,hot-blast stove and smelting reduction furnace,cast house equipment,blower and residual pressure turbine-generator set equipment,water slag filtering equipment,etc..
4 The elevation and the central line of a single equipment may be directly marked on the foundation by using"▽"and"".