3 Basic Requirements
3.1 General Requirements
3.1.1 Metallurgical equipment foundations shall be based on the following information:
1 Process equipment layout of the plant or production line,indicating equipment names,distances between equipment,distances from the centerlines of main equipment to the controlling axis of the plant;
2 Outline drawings of equipment foundations,including plan views and section views,indicating detailed dimensions and elevations,positions and dimensions of pits,trenches,holes,accesses for equipment erection & maintenance,safe passageways and stairs,outlines of equipment bases as well as the range and thickness of secondary grouting layers;
3 Layout and list of equipment anchor bolts,indicating types,diameters and length of the bolts,dimensions of each part,number of bolt caps,positions and elevations of embedment as well as the names of relevant equipment;
4 Layout of embedded parts,indicating shape,dimensions,positions and elevations of embedment,loads(vertical force,horizontal force and torque)and the positions of application points and the application directions;
5 Dead weight of equipment,positions and elevations of center of gravity,dynamic loads(forces,torques)and their application points,elevations and application directions under various working conditions;
6 Dead weight of feeds,dynamic impact loads of the feeds during operation and movement;
7 Dead weight of the operation platforms or floors supported on equipment foundations,live loads during operation and maintenance,dust loads and other loads;
8 Requirements for foundation surface heating temperature,heat insulation & heat resistance,protections against liquid steel & hot metal leakage,protections during preheating and slag splashing,corrosion protection for media,vibration protection,foundation settlement and inclination limits,etc.
9 Layout,dimensions,elevations and other relevant design data for basements which are combined with equipment foundations;
10 Loads and other relevant design data of building foundations which are combined with equipment foundations;
11 Layout and elevations of building foundations,underground works and underground pipes which interact with the adjacent equipment foundations,distance between equipment foundations and other relevant design data;
12 Geotechnical survey information.
3.1.2 Metallurgical equipment foundations shall meet the following requirements during the specified service life:
1 They can withstand all the actions which may arise during normal construction and normal service;
2 They function properly during the normal service;
3 They have adequate durability under proper maintenance;
4 The ground and the main bearing structures of the foundations shall not be deprived of their bearing capacity upon and after occurrence of any accident specified in this Code.
3.1.3 Metallurgical equipment foundations should be designed ata safety level same as for the plant building structures,and shall be no lower than LevelⅡprescribed in the current national Standard for Design of Building Structure Reliability(GB 50068).The structures shall be designed with a factor of importance(γ0)no less than 1.0 when based on the bearing capacity limits.
3.1.4 New metallurgical equipment foundations shall be designed for a service life up to 50 years.
3.1.5 Seismic design of metallurgical equipment foundations shall follow the current national standard Code for Seismic Design of Special Structures(GB 50191),in addition to the relevant provisions in this Code.