Code for Design of Ferroalloy Process and Equipment is jointly edited by Sinosteel Engineering Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.in junction with relevant sectors in accordance with requirements specified in Notice on issue of editing and revising plan for engineering construction standard and code in 2009(document No.:JB[2009]88)issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.
During editing process of this code,the code team carefully studied relevant national laws,regulations,policies and standards currently in force,carried out investigation and research,performed necessary specific research and technical argumentation,summed up the design experiences regarding ferroalloy process and equipment in the past years,widely solicited comments from relevant production,design and equipment manufacturing sectors and universities and colleges and performed repeated discussion and modification before finalizing the texts of the code subject to examination.
This code consists of 6 chapters,namely:General Provisions,Terms,Process and Equipment of Pyrometallurgy,Process and Equipment of Metallothermics,Auxiliary Facilities,Safety and Environmental Protection.
The clauses in bold in this code are mandatory which must be enforced strictly.
This code is placed under the management of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development who will also be responsible for the explanation of mandatory clauses,and Sinosteel Engineering Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.is responsible for concrete explanation of specific technical items.In the course of implementation of this code,if there appears any comment or suggestion,please send them to Sinosteel Engineering Design and Research Co.,Ltd.(address:No.8 Haidian Street,Haidian District,Beijing,postal code:100080;E-mail:yuxin@sinosteel.com)for the sake of reference during revision in future.
Chief Development Organization,Participating Development Organizations,Chief Drafting Staff and Main Examiners for this code:
Chief Development Organization:
Sinosteel Engineering Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Participating Development Organizations:
MCC BERIS Engineering and Research Corporation
Sinosteel Jilin Ferroalloy Co.,Ltd.
Sinosteel Jilin Electro-Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Chief Drafting Staff:
Liu Yuming Li Yuting Guo Feiyu Li Yanfen Li Jing
Yu Xin Zhao Qilin Zu Xingying Wang Gang
Main Examiners:
Guo Qijiao Jiang Xuege Wu Shengrong Cao Zhiqiang Zhang Zengchan
Yang Zhizhong Zhang Feng Guo Hongfa Yao Qun Han Zhongyue
Chang Yugen Qian Qiying