2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this Standard.For dated references,all subsequent amendments(not including the erratum)or revisions do not apply to this Standard.However,parties who reach agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest editions of these documents.For any undated references,the latest version shall apply to this Standard.
GB/T 983 Stainless steel covered electrodes
GB/T 985.1—2008 Recommended joint preparation for gas welding,manual metal arc welding,gas-shield arc welding and beam welding
GB 4053.1 Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform-Part 1:Steel vertical ladders
GB 4053.2 Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform-Part 2:Steel inclined ladders
GB 4053.3 Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform-Part 3:Industrial guardrails and steel platforms
GB/T 4842 Argon
GB/T 5117 Carbon steel covered electrodes
GB/T 5118 Low alloy steel covered electrodes
GB/T 5293 Carbon steel electrodes and fluxes for submerged arc welding
GB/T 8110 Welding electrodes and rods for gas shielding arc of carbon and low alloy steel
GB/T 8923.2 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Visual assessment of surface cleanliness-Part 2:Preparation grades of previously coated steel surface after localized removal of previous coatings
GB/T 10045 Carbon steel flux cored electrodes for arc welding
GB/T 12470 Low-alloy electrodes and fluxes for submerged arc welding
GB/T 14957 Steel wires for melt welding
GB/T 17853 Stainless steel flux cored wires
GB/T 8241.4 Rubber lining-Part 4:Flue gas desulphurization lining.
GB 50128 Code for construction and acceptance of vertical cylindrical steel welded storage tanks
GB 50236 Code for construction and acceptance of field equipment,industrial pipe welding engineering
DL/T 679 Code for welder technical qualification
DL/T 868 Code of welding procedure qualification
DL/T 869 The code of welding for power plant
DL 5009.1 Code of safety operation in power engineering construction-Part 1:Thermal power plants
DL/T 5072 Code for Designing insulation painting of thermal power plant
HGJ 32—1990 Chemical processing equipment of rubber lining
HG/T 2537 Carbon dioxide for welding
HG/T 2640 Application specifications for glass flake lining
HG/T 3797 Mortar of glass flake lining
HG 20202 Specification for construction and acceptance of degreasing work
JB 4730 Nondestructive testing of pressure-bearing equipment
JB/T 4735 Steel welded atmospheric pressure vessels
JB/T 4736 Reinforcement pad
SJ/T 10743 Tungsten-cerium electrodes for inert gas shielded arc welding,plasma welding and cutting