表2-78 Johnson-Cook模型参数(一)

ARRAZOLA P J, ÖZEL T. Numerical Modeling of 3D Hard Turning Using Arbitrary Eulerian Lagrangian Finite Element Method[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2008, vol(3):238-249.
表2-79 通过直角切削实验确定的Johnson-Cook本构模型参数

HUANG Y. Predictive modeling of tool wear rate with applications to CBN hard turning [D]. Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002.
刘战强, 吴继华, 史振宇,等. 金属切削变形本构方程的研究[J]. 工具技术, 2008, 42(3):3-9.
表2-80 Johnson-Cook模型参数(二)

RAMESH A. Prediction of process-induced microstructural changes and residual stresses in orthogonal hard machining [D]. Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002.
刘战强, 吴继华, 史振宇,等. 金属切削变形本构方程的研究[J]. 工具技术, 2008, 42(3):3-9.