1. the Downs: The Downs are a roadstead or area of sea in the southern North Sea near the English Channel off the east Kent coast, between the North and the South Foreland in southern England.
2. the Weald: The Weald is the name given to an area in South East England situated between the parallel chalk escarpments of the North and the South Downs. The Weald was once a vast forest covering this area. The name, Old English in origin, signifies woodland, which still applies today: scattered farms and villages betray the Weald's past, often in their names.
3. the Sungari River: The Sungari River (the Songhua River) is a river in Northeast China, and is the largest tributary of the Heilong River (Amur), flowing about 1,434 km from Changbai Mountains through Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces.
4. the Amur River: The Amur River or Heilong Jiang is the world's tenth longest river, forming the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China (Inner Manchuria). The largest fish species in the Amur is the kaluga, attaining a length as great as 5. 6 metres.
5. the Ussuri River: The Ussuri River or Wusuli River runs in Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krais, Russia, and in the southeast of Northeast China. It is approximately 897 km long. The Ussuri River drains to the Ussuri basin, which covers 193,000 km2. Its waters come from rain (60%), snow (30-35%) and subterranean springs.