Popular Science Chapter
Question 30: How should pregnant women take precautions at home?
Let the fresh air in pregnant women’s room regularly while keeping a moderate temperature to avoid getting sick from being too cold or too hot.
Keep pregnant women’s towels, bath sheets,tableware, bedding and other daily necessities separated from those of women’s families in case of cross-infection.Practice hand hygiene at all times. Wash women’s hands with soap and running water or instead, use the alcoholbased hand sanitizer before eating and after using the toilet. lt is also important to implement this when the pregnant women return home from outside and after touching anything unsanitary. Try not to touch nose, mouth or eyes with hands when the pregnant women are unsure whether they are clean or not. Cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or a tissue when cough or sneeze.
Make sure the food is fresh and hygienic, particularly ensure that meat and eggs are cooked thoroughly. Keep a light and balanced diet, do not overeat, control pregnant women’s weight.
The mother should insist on breastfeeding. Wash hands properly before breastfeeding baby. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, drink plenty of water,exercise regularly and remember to keep a positive mindset which helps to boost your immune system.
Furthermore, it is important NOT to invite any relatives or friends visit house, or have any contacts with people infected with COVlD-19 or other respiratory diseases.