Question 25: How to optimize follow-up management for pregnant women with COVID-19?
Health facilities should ensure effective follow-up management for undelivered pregnant mothers discharged from hospitals.
(1) Obstetric safety management offices shall ensure standard reporting and registration, while keeping in touch with designated ANC facilities to plan for deliveries.Designated facilities should provide professional and convenient ANC services for undelivered mothers managed as high-risk pregnant women. Attending physicians and obstetrics clinics should deliver follow-ups via telephone and monitor the mothers for any danger signs.
(2) Health facilities treating infected pregnant women shall report their information to the MCH institution in the jurisdiction, and the latter needs to inform health workers in the community where the patient resides to pay visits and ensure observance of precautions among relevant individuals. ln the meantime, primary health facilities shall notify local village or community committees for enhanced joint management and mobilize community workers to provide assistance for the day to day arrangements of new mothers and their families.