1.Name the following acids,bases and salts.
KOH,Ca(OH)2,HNO3,HI,HBr,Na2SO4,BaCl2,H3PO4(P: phosphorus)
2.Translate the following sentences into English.
(1) 质子给予体的相对酸强度是依靠它与同一碱反应进行到平衡的程度来度量的。
(2) 按阿累尼乌斯和布伦斯特概念,第一个方程是中和反应。但是由于阿累尼乌斯认为碱只是OH-,所以按他的概念,其他反应都被排斥在中和反应之外。
3.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.
Brönsted-Lowry approach has application in all media and has become the more important theory when the chemistry of substances in solutions other than water is studied. Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) is a salt,yet its water solution has an acidic reaction. From this test,we must conclude that NH4Cl has acidic properties. The Brönsted-Lowry explanation shows that the ammonium ion,NH4+,is a proton donor,and water is the proton acceptor.
4.In a solution that has [H+]=8.0×10-10(1) What is the [OH-]?
(2) What is the pH?
(3) What is the pOH?
(4) Is the solution acidic,basic or neutral?
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[2] Brown T L. General chemistry[M]. 2nd ed. Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company Columbus,1597.
[3] 马永祥,吴隆民,梁永民,等. 化学专业英语 [M]. 兰州:兰州大学出版社,1996.
[4] 唐冬雁. 应用化学专业英语[M]. 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,1999.
[5] CHANG R. Chemistry [M]. Boston: McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998.