This book is about our educational experience,our journeys of academic discovery,research,application,and reflection.Along the way many individuals have supported,challenged,and motivated us…
We must thank several outstanding individuals who have allowed us to share our ideas for this project,and gave us invaluable feedback throughout its completion.Dr.Erik Bitterbaum reviewed the English translations provided for each chapter and composed a sincere foreword.Dr.Curtis Bonk,Dr.Beth Klein,Dr.Karl Strause,Ms.Amy Henderson-Harr and Mr.Thomas Frank have shared their wisdom and provided insightful and timely advice.We must also acknowledge Mr.Yuexiao Michael Guo who challenges our assertions about teaching and learning.
We are indebted to many colleagues:Ms.Mary Schlarb,Director of International Programs Office;Dr.Kimberly Rombach,our Department Chair,and Dr.Andrea LaChance,our Dean,for facilitating Lijuan’s visiting scholar experience and therefore the opportunity for collaboration.The collegiality and hospitality provided by all faculty and staff in the Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department was extremely important to the success of this book project and very much appreciated.Special thanks go to colleagues who have shared teaching ideas and materials and especially to Mr.John Suarez,Dr.Lin Lin,Dr.Pualo Quaulio and faculty of the Modern Languages Department.We thank all of SUNY Cortland’s Chinese faculty for their generosity and hospitality to Lijuan.
We are equally indebted to many associates and friends,particularly those individuals who assisted with the arduous task of translating between English and Chinese.Xiaofang Song read the manuscript and was the first editor of the book.Qianxian Song,Boyu Cai,and Yanli Hao,DanDan Zhu and Jiaoyan Fang offered timely help with translations.A dear and life-long friend from Qufu University Dr.Yong Yi helped with recollections.Artist and poet Shi Gao read the manuscript in Chinese and provided excellent suggestions.
We want to thank our publisher,Peking University Press and its incredibly supportive team.
Beginning with our anonymous book proposal and throughout the manuscript review“three rounds of trials”the chief editor,Chenglong Yao,Jiajia Gong,and a team of associate editors provided critical review with the utmost professionalism.With discerning eyes and unwavering standards these insightful individuals guided us through multiple drafts to finally create the book we intended to write.
To all who have inspired us and helped us,we cherish your contributions and we are deeply grateful.With sincere humility,we thank you for your motivation and inspiration as we continue our journeys to becoming teacher scholars.
Shufang Shi Strause&Lijuan Zhong
August 8, 2017