4)Normal and abnormal cardiac electrical axis (Fig.1-10) 正常和异常的心电轴(图1-10)
Average QRS axis: The frontal plane QRS axis represents the average direction of ventricular depolarization forces in the frontal plane. The QRS axis can be detected by the six individual frontal plain ECG leads. The diagram below shows that the normal range of QRS axis is shaded pink (Fig.1-10,-30°to +90°). For a healthy adult, left axis deviation (i.e., superior, leftward arrow) is defined from-30°to -90°, and right axis deviation (i.e., inferior, rightward arrow) is defined from +90°to±180°. From -90°to±180° is uncertain electrical axis and may be due to leading placement error.
The causes of left axis deviation: left ventricular hypertrophy, left anterior fascicular block,et al.
The causes of right axis deviation: right ventricular hypertrophy, left posterior fascicular block, et al.
Einthoven’s Triangle: Each of the six frontal“limb”leads has a negative and positive pole (as indicated by the “+” and “-” signs), such as lead Ⅰ(right-to-left in direction).

Fig.1-10 Normal QRS axis: -30°~ +90°
图1-10 正常QRS电轴:-30°~+90°
Examples of QRS axis deviation (Fig.1-11 and Fig.1-12) QRS电轴偏移举例(图1-11和图1-12)
Note that Lead Ⅰ is positive, LeadsⅡ and Ⅲ are mostly negative.

Fig.1-11 Left axis deviation(LAD):-30°~-90°
图1-11 心电轴左偏:-30°~-90°
Note that Lead Ⅰ is mostly negative, Lead Ⅲ is mostly positive.

Fig.1-12 Right axis deviation (RAD): +90°~+180°
图1-12 心电轴右偏:+90°~+180°