
50.Peri-operative Nursing Care(Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)围手术期护理(良性前列腺增生)
Nurse: Hello. Mr. Wang,how are you? Are you exercising?(Mr. Wang answered with a nod.)Let me check your drainage bag to make sure the fxed position is right.(Nurse Wu bent over to look at the patient’s drainage bag.)Very good. The urine is also pretty clear. Did you drink any water this morning?
护士: 王先生,你好!正在下床活动呢。(王先生点头答应。)让我看看引流带固定的位置对不对。(小吴弯下腰查看尿液引流情况。)很好,尿色也很清。早晨喝水了吗?
Patient: I drank a cup of water this morning. Miss Wu,could you help me to ask the doctor if he can operate on me sooner?
病人: 早晨喝了一杯水。小吴你能帮我跟医生打个招呼,能早点给我动手术吗?
Nurse: Don’t worry,Mr. Wang,the operation is set for tomorrow. Yesterday,I told you about the operating procedures and how you can cooperate with us. Do you still have anything unclear that I can help you with?
护士: 王先生,不要着急,明天你就要动手术了。昨天我已给你介绍了手术的方法及配合手术的有关事项。你还有哪些不明白的地方我再给你说说,好吗?
Patient: I understand them well because I have studied the materials you gave me several times.Let me show you.(Mr. Wang began to restate the information about the operation.Nurse Wu listened and made a few corrections from time to time.)
病人: 我都明白了。你给我的这些材料我都反复看了好多遍了。我说给你听听。(王先生开始复述手术相关知识。护士小吴边听边给予补充和纠正。)
Nurse: Mr. Wang,you have a good memory. Now,let us practice relaxing,deep breathing,and effective coughing. Please lie down on the bed frst.(Nurse Wu helped him to lie down on the bed and he began to practice.)Close your mouth when you take a deep breath. Use your nose to inhale and relax your hands. Good. Let’s try again.
护士: 王先生,你真是好记性。那我们练习一下全身放松,深呼吸及有效咳嗽排痰。你先躺在床上。(小吴扶王先生上床,王先生开始练习。)深吸气时嘴巴闭起来,对,用鼻吸气,双手不要握拳,手掌自然伸开。好,再来一次。
Nurse: Mr. Wang,your operation tomorrow will need epidural anesthesia,that is,lower body anesthesia. The anesthetic drug will be injected to your spine and you’ll have no feelings in your lower half body after the injection,but you will remain conscious.Now I’ll teach you how to cooperate with doctor. Mr. Wang,please lie on your side and bend your legs to your chest,use your arms to hold your knees.(Nurse Wu helped Mr. Wang to hold his knees with his arms.)Try to make your back protruding and lower your head. Good,that’s right. I’m going to care for other patients now. But I’ll be back later to do some preoperative preparation for you. Mr. Wang,you can sit back and chat with Mr. Zhang on bed 26 who had the similar operation as yours.
护士: 王先生,明天手术是硬膜外麻醉,就是半身麻醉。麻药打在腰脊椎骨内,下半身没有知觉,人是清醒的。我现在教你麻醉时如何配合医生。王先生请你身体侧睡,双腿屈曲,靠近胸口,两手抱住膝盖。(小吴指导王先生用两手抱住膝盖。)背尽量后凸,头低下一点儿。好!就这样。我先去看看其他病人,等一会儿我再来为你做术前准备工作。王先生你现在先休息一下,与26床张先生聊聊,他与你的手术是一样的。
(Nurse Wu asked Mr. Zhang to talk to Mr. Wang about his operating experiences. After completing nursing care on the other patients,Nurse Wu came back and finished Mr. Wang’s preoperative preparations.)
(In the afternoon,nurse Wu came to the ward to take the patient’s temperature.)
Nurse: Hello,Mr. Wang,did you have a good rest at noon?
护士: 王先生,你好!中午休息得好吗?
Patient: Not bad,I didn’t sleep,just rested for a while.
病人: 还好。没睡着,躺了一会儿。
Nurse: Are you still nervous about tomorrow’s operation? Is there anything else you are concerned?
护士: 是不是明天要做手术,心里有点紧张,还是有什么顾虑?
Patient: Miss Wu,to tell you the truth,when I was admitted I wanted the operation as early as possible. But now,as the operation is near,I’m really nervous. Knowing Mr.Zhang’s operation went very well,I’m not concerned about your medical technology.However,Mr. Zhang told me that the balloon of the catheter pressing on the prostate was tied to the thigh which will make one feel pain and discomfort in the perineum area. I’m so scared of pain. I’m afraid that I may not cooperate with you well when you tell me not to move my leg as the catheter is fixed. If I can’t endure the pain and move my legs,it may cause the balloon to move from its position and leads to bleeding. What should I do then? Miss Wu,please help me to ask the anesthetist to install a pain control pump.
病人: 小吴,不瞒你讲,我入院时希望早点手术。真的听到要手术了,心里倒真的有点紧张。我看26床张先生手术很顺利。对你们这里的医疗技术我是放心的。不过听张先生讲压迫在前列腺窝内的导尿管气囊牵引在大腿上,会阴部会肿痛,挺难受的。我很怕痛,我怕我不能很好地配合。到时候你们嘱咐我固定导尿管的下肢不能动,我怕忍不住,万一把气囊位置移动了,引起出血怎么办?小吴,麻烦你帮我与麻醉师联系一下,看能不能给我安置镇痛泵。
Nurse: Don’t worry. I’ll contract the anesthetist to come see you.
护士: 放心,我会与麻醉师联系来看你的。
Patient: Thanks and sorry for troubling you.
病人: 好的,麻烦你了小吴。
Nurse: You are welcome. Mr. Wang,let me take your temperature now.(Nurse Wu took Mr.Wang’s temperature.)
护士: 不麻烦。王先生,我现在给你量体温。(小吴给王先生量体温。)
Nurse: Your temperature is normal,36.8℃.Don’t catch cold when you take a bath later.
护士: 体温正常,36.8℃。等一会儿洗澡时注意不要着凉。
Patient: OK.
病人: 知道了。
Nurse: Mr. Wang,did you have bowel movement between 14:00 yesterday to 14:00 today?
护士: 王先生,昨天下午两点到今天下午两点解大便了吗?
Patient: Just once.
病人: 解过一次。
Nurse: Was it dry?
护士: 大便干结吗?
Patient: No. It was easy to dispel.
病人: 不,很容易就解出来了。
Nurse: Did you use the bedpan? Did you feel comfortable using it?
护士: 使用便器了吗?能适应吗?
Patient: Yes,I can use it.
病人: 使用了,能适应。
(Nurse Wu briefed middle shift nurse,Miss Zhu,at the bedside.)
Nurse Wu and Nurse Zhu: Hi,Mr. Wang,your wife is here too.
护士小吴、小朱: 王先生,你好!你夫人也来了。
Patient’s wife: Since my husband is going to have the operation tomorrow,I cooked several nutritious dishes for his supper this evening including braised fsh,brine shrimps,tomato with eggs,potato with green peppers,and stirred green vegetables.
病人妻子: 我丈夫明天要手术了,我做了点清蒸鱼、盐水虾、番茄炒蛋、土豆青椒、炒青菜,让他增加点营养。
Nurse Wu: Mr. Wang,your wife is so nice to you. But you should not eat too much this evening because of tomorrow’s operation. Eighty percent full would be enough.
护士小吴: 王先生,你夫人对你真体贴。不过,由于你明天需要做手术,今天晚饭不要吃得太饱,八分饱就行了。
Patient: OK,I see.
病人: 我会注意的。
Nurse Wu: Let me introduce you the middle shift nurse,Miss Zhu.(The patient greeted her with a nod.)She will conduct an enema for you at 8:00 pm. After that you should not eat anything. After 12:00pm,water is also forbidden. Remember that.
护士小吴: 这是中班小朱。(病人点头会意。)晚上8点她要为你进行术前灌肠。灌肠以后不可以吃东西了,晚上12点以后水也不能喝了。不要忘记了。
Patient: OK.
病人: 我知道。
(On the morning of the operation day,nurse Wu entered the ward to check the preparation for his operation.)
Nurse: Good morning,Mr. Wang,did you sleep well last night? And have you changed to the operating clothes?
护士: 王先生,早安!昨晚睡得好吗?手术衣裤换好了吗?
Patient: Yes. I slept very well last night and I have changed to the operating clothes.
病人: 睡得很好。衣裤已换好了。
Nurse: Your temperature and blood pressure are all normal this morning. The operation should be fne. So don’t worry.
护士: 今晨体温和血压都很正常。手术会顺利的。不要紧张。
Patient: I’m not worried. I trust your medical services.
病人: 我不紧张,我相信你们的医疗、服务。
(Nurse Wu checked the patient’s hair,nails,and skin conditions and made sure that any jewelry,watch,and dentures were removed. Then the operating room worker arrived to meet the patient. Nurse Wu helped Mr. Wang to lie on the stretcher,comforting him and accompanying him leaving the ward.)
(The patient returned from the operating room. Nurse Wu helped him to his bed.)
Nurse: Mr. Wang,your operation went very well and the anesthetist had installed a pain control pump for you. Now,you need to keep your right leg unbend.(Supporting the patient’s right leg)Right. Try not to move or bend your right leg. You can move it after the catheter is released tomorrow.
护士: 王先生,你的手术非常顺利。麻醉师为你安置了镇痛泵。现在,请你右下肢保持外展伸直位。(扶着病人的右腿)对,右下肢尽可能不要移动、屈曲,明天导尿管牵引放松后才能活动。
Patient: OK.
病人: 知道了。
Nurse: How do you feel now?
护士: 你现在感觉如何?
Patient: I am thirsty.
病人: 感觉有点口渴。
Nurse: I will clean and moisten your mouth right now.(Nurse Wu began to clean his mouth.)Do you feel better?
护士: 我马上为你进行口腔清洗,湿润一下口腔。(护士小吴为病人进行口腔清洗。)感觉好点吗?
Patient: Yes,I feel better now.
病人: 好点了。
Nurse: Have a rest.
护士: 你休息吧。
(Nurse Wu arrived at the patient’s bedside the day after the operation.)
Nurse: Hello,Mr. Wang. Thank you for your cooperation. Today the catheter has been relaxed and you can move your right leg now. You can even turn your body over.But you should move slowly and don’t do it too often.(instructing him to turn over his body). Since you have passed gas,you can eat food now,but drink some warm water frst.
护士: 你好,王先生。非常感谢你的配合。今天导尿管牵引已放松,右下肢可以活动了,你可以自己翻身,但要注意动作缓慢,幅度要小(指导病人翻身活动)。你肛门已排气,可以进食了,先喝口温开水。
(Nurse Wu designed the patient’s activity plan,supervised and instructed him to move correctly,guided him to choose the proper diet,from full-fluid to semi-fluid to regular diet,and taught him ways to avoid constipation. The patient had bowel movement easily three days after the operation.)
Nurse: Hello,Mr. Wang. You recover very quickly after the operation. The doctor will remove the catheter for you today.
护士: 王先生,你好!你术后恢复很快,今天要拔除导尿管了。
Patient: That’s great! Does this mean I will be discharged soon?
病人: 太好了。是不是我很快可以出院了?
Nurse: Yes. There will be some temporary urinary incontinent after removing the catheter. You should continue the functional exercises following my instruction. It will be recovered soon. Don’t be nervous.
护士: 是的。拔除后可能出现暂时性排尿失控情况。你继续按我教你的功能锻炼方法去做,很快就会好的,不必紧张。
Patient: I see and thanks.
病人: 知道了,谢谢你。
Nurse: However,don’t be reckless after your discharge. You should avoid lifting heavy objects,sitting for a long time and riding bikes. You should also keep your bowel movement smooth. Make sure to see the doctor when you notice any urinate diffculties. Here are the discharge instructions and our telephone number. Please keep in touch with us.
护士: 不过,出院后不要大意。避免重负、久坐、骑车,要保持大便通畅,尿线变细及时就诊。这是出院后的注意事项及我科的联系电话,随时保持联系。