
Sonnet 7

FAYRE eies, the myrrour of my mazéd mazéd:使惊奇,使吃惊。也有置于迷宫之意。反省或冥想。中世纪写情诗的诗人很喜欢写镜子。 hart,

What wondrous vertue virtue:力量。 is contaynd in you

The which both lyfe and death forth from you dart

Into the obiect of your mighty view view:人们相信目光是从眼睛里发出的,而且对所看到的对象产生影响;故而诗人把人的一瞥比作箭或闪电。?

For when ye mildly looke with lovely hew hew:外貌,外观。,

Then is my soule with life and love inspired:

But when ye lowre, or looke on me askew

Then doe I die, as one with lightning fyred.

But since that lyfe is more then death desyred,

Looke ever lovely, as becomes you best,

That your bright beams, of of:被,由。 my weak eyes admyred,

May kindle living fire within my brest.

Such life should be the honor of your light,

Such death the sad ensample ensample:例子,范例。 of your might