21 Rap Devil
(白人Rapper给了Hip Hop另一个样子)
专辑:Rap Devil (Explicit)
歌手:Machine Gun Kelly
流派:Rap/Hip Hop
1 grab[ɡræb] v/n.攫取;霸占★
He descended to the lake where he grabbed some water ski equipment. (C9 TB S3)
2 clipper[ˈklɪpɚ] n.快速帆船;大剪刀
Tea was relatively expensive until Britain started a direct clipper trade with China in the early 18th century. (C10 T2 P1)
3 weird[wɪrd] adj.怪异的
some weird deep-sea fish (C7 T1 P1)
4 beard[bɪəd] n.胡须;颌毛
5 tough[tʌf] adj.艰苦的;困难的★
They live in precarious balance with one of the toughest environments on earth. (C6 T1 P3)
6 security [səˈkjʊrəti] n.安全;保证★
I do need to tell you that there's a security entrance. (C6 T2 S1)
7 studio[ˈstudɪo] n.工作室;[广播][电视]演播室
Using a studio camera, a photographer went up in a cradle to take photos of every pane. (C5 T4 P2)
8 sober[ˈsobɚ] adj.冷静的;清醒的
9 bored[bɔrd] adj.无聊的;无趣的
I'm never bored by it. (C9 T3 S3)
10 trick[trɪk] n.诡计;恶作剧;窍门★
The trick is finding the right one. (C6 T3 P3)
11 handle[ˈhændl] n.把手;柄 v.处理★
I'm sure I can handle all that without a problem. (C7 T3 S1)
12 homie[ˈhomi] adj.舒适的;家庭似的
13 dictionary[ˈdɪkʃəˈnɛri] n.字典;词典★
One function of the dictionary was to enable its student to convey an impression of fine learning. (C5 T1 P1)
14 dweeb[dwib] n.愚昧;白痴
15 shovel[ˈʃʌvl] n.铁铲
16 Armageddon[ˌa:məˈgedn] n.大决战;世界末日善恶决战的战场(源于《圣经》)
17 instrumental[ˌɪnstrəˈmɛntl] adj.乐器的;有帮助的★
Doctors have been instrumental in improving living standards in Western society. (C2 T1 P2)
18 sweatsuit[ˈswɛtsut] n. (长袖)运动服
19 corny[ˈkɔrni] adj.谷类的;粗野的;陈腐的
20 chalk[tʃɔk] v.用粉笔写 n.粉笔
21 blackball[ˈblækbɔl] v.排斥;投反对票
22 sway[swe] v.影响;摇摆 n.影响★
The Japanese pagoda—with its massive trunk-like central pillar known as shinbashira—simply flexes and sways during a typhoon or earthquake. (C7 T2 P1)
23 interscope环球唱片
24 conference[ˈkɑnfərəns] n.会议★
I'm interested in the computing conference next month. (C6 T4 S1)
25 tweet[twit] n.小鸟叫声
26 literally[ˈlɪtərəli] adv.照字面地;逐字地
More importantly, it literally opened the door to exploration of the universe. (C3 T1 P1)
27 choke[tʃok] v/n.呛;使窒息
28 attack[əˈtæk] n/v.攻击★
It was safe from enemy attack. (C10 T4 S2)
29 slim[slɪm] adj.苗条的★
People were generally slimmer and shorter than now. (C4 T2 S2)
30 knee[ni] n.膝盖;膝
31 gully[ˈɡʌli] n.冲沟;水沟
32 marshall[ˈmɑ:ʃl] n.元帅;典礼官
33 recovery[rɪˈkʌvəri] n.恢复;复原★
The company definitely needs a boost and to attract more highly skilled workers if their recovery is to be long-lasting. (C5 T4 S3)
34 ego[ˈiɡo] n.自我;自负;自我意识
35 ugly[ˈʌɡli] adj.丑陋的
As it was, the quarry was an ugly blot on the landscape. (C9 T3 S4)
36 thuggery[ˈθʌɡəri] n.谋财害命;暗杀
37 lyric[ˈlɪrɪk] adj.抒情的;吟唱的 n.抒情诗
38 dungaree[ˌdʌŋgəˈri] n.用粗棉布所做的裤子;工作服
39 bitter[ˈbɪtɚ] adj.苦的;痛苦的 n.苦味★
I'm sure you're all familiar with the concepts of sweet, sour, bitter and salt. (C7 T4 S4)
40 wedgie[ˈwɛdʒi] n.楔形后跟的女鞋
41 nursery[ˈnɝsəri] n.苗圃;托儿所★
Then she's eligible to join the nursery, which is supervised by a qualified nursery nurse. (C6 T1 S3)
42 bully[ˈbʊli] v.欺负;威吓★
Persistent bullying is one of the worst experiences a child can face. (C6 T4 P3)
43 flex[flɛks] v.折曲;使收缩★
The Japanese pagoda—with its massive trunk-like central pillar known as shinbashira—simply flexes and sways during a typhoon or earthquake. (C7 T2 P1)
44 hesitate[ˈhɛzətet] v.踌躇;犹豫★
He will hesitate before buying pizza again. (C13 T4 S3)
45 rabbit[ˈræbɪt] n.兔子;野兔
46 dope[dop] n.笨蛋;麻醉药物;涂料
47 sweater[ˈswɛtɚ] n.毛线衣;运动衫
48 treasure[ˈtrɛʒɚ] n.财富;财产
As the surface gum became more scarce, spades were used to dig up the buried
‘treasure'. (C10 TA S3)
49 decade[ˈdɛked] n.十年★
In the past three decades, however, a number of fossil discoveries have prompted researchers to re-examine their views. (C7 TB S3)
50 feather[ˈfɛðɚ] n.羽毛
At first they were produced for their feathers. (C3 T3 S4)
51 umbrella[ʌmˈbrɛlə] n.雨伞
Millions of dollars are spent by pharmaceutical companies on promotional products like coffee mugs, shirts, umbrellas, and golf balls. (C6 T4 P1)
52 grouch[ɡraʊtʃ] n.心怀不满;不高兴的人;抱怨 v.发牢骚;闹脾气;抱怨
53 apology[əˈpɑlədʒi] n.道歉;谢罪★
Apologise to someone they have hurt.(C10 T1 W2)
54 acknowledge[əkˈnɑlɪdʒ] v.承认★
If we acknowledge this, then we urgently need to know what governs it and how designers can work with it. (C12 T4 S4)
55 prodigy[ˈprɑdədʒi] n.奇迹;奇事;奇才
There has always been an interest in geniuses and prodigies. (C8 T3 P2)
56 treadmill[ˈtrɛdmɪl] n.踏车;跑步机
He found that rats that exercise on a treadmill have raised levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor coursing through their brains. (C6 T2 P2)
57 candy[ˈkændɪ] n.糖果
58 salute[səˈlut] n/v.致敬;欢迎;敬礼
He gave his salute and left.
59 eulogy[ˈjuːlədʒɪ] n.悼词;颂词
60 Oscar[ˈɒskə] n.奥斯卡金像奖