Part Four Reading
Directions Do you agree or disagree with the statement that eventually computerized machines or robots will take over the world? Please state your reasons to support your opinion.


Passage Reading
Text A The Development of Computers

Today's generation could never in their wildest dreams imagine what the world was like before there were computers or any other technology. We have advanced so much that now any information is just a click away and is in your hands 24/7. All this advancement was possible only with the introduction of the“Computer”.
It might not be known, however, that in ancient times the word “compute” simply means “count”. Counting with ten fingers is the basis of the decimal system. Other ways of counting included using sticks, pebbles or knots in strings. While those counting methods may seem primitive to us, early humans had no other ways to keep records of their cattle or other possessions. Ancient people finally created the first computing device—the abacus.
“Abacus” is the Latin word for a flat surface. At first, an abacus used small stones laid out in rows of ten. Later, people drilled holes in the stones and strung them on cords in a wooden frame. The Chinese version of abacus was a beads-on-wires counting frame. Abaci like this remained in use right up until the modern electronic calculator was created.

The original objective of inventing a computer was to create a fast calculating machine. During World War II, it became very essential to understand and locate the direction and speed of the enemy weapons. Calculations had to be done accurately and mathematically and without an advanced machine it would not be possible. To defeat the enemy, the front line soldiers required firing tables and only a computer could produce such firing tables with speed and accuracy at that time.
To produce the technology then, a large amount of money and brain power were required. The first computer was produced by the Moore School of Engineering called the ENIAC on behalf of the US Army in 1946. The ENIAC was able to produce the firing tables by carrying out a large number of calculations accurately.
By the mid-1980s, the market was flooded with personal computers. Computing power increased as prices dropped. By 1990, a home computer with a 40MB hard drive sold for around $5,000. Fifteen years later, the same amount of money bought the same-sized computer, but with an 80GB hard drive—about two thousand times as much capacity.
Nowadays, governments, colleges, schools, businesses, and many private citizens have abandoned the old ways of recording data, writing letters and books, and processing photographs and sounds.Personal computers make it possible for many people to work from home while remaining connected to their employer' s network.
Computers have revolutionized our lifestyles. Online shopping, banking, and travel planning have become very common in our lives. Also computers control satellite navigation systems, keep track of supermarket food supplies, and monitor energy use at power plants. An enormous global database coordinates domestic and international flight schedules of commercial airlines. Military organizations use computers for tasks as diverse as basic communications and for systems that warn of a nuclear attack. In sports, computers time competitions, help athletes train on special machines, and provide musclestrength analyses.
Every year brings huge advances in computer processing power and data storage. Computer manufacturers also want to keep making money. New hardware needs new software, and new software needs new hardware. Individuals, businesses, and governments are so dependent on computers that they find themselves upgrading their systems regularly, often at great expense. Never in history has new technology become outdated so quickly.

The ease of data transfer between computers anywhere in the world raises concerns about privacy. Data-protection laws protect the rights of individuals, but civil liberty groups express their concern that governments can compile and share private data and monitor peoples' behavior. Although the Internet is an incredibly useful informational tool, it also opens up“cyberspace” to hackers, or “computer criminals”. Hackers may spread viruses and access credit-card numbers and other personal information. Government intelligence agencies fear that “cyber-terrorists” will find ways to destroy the mainframe computers that run worldwide communication corporations, military missions, or transportation systems. Meanwhile, “spam” emails often swamp home computers, frustrating many users.
Despite these problems, computers improve our lives every day in extraordinary ways. They help us communicate, learn, and solve major problems that affect a large number of people. Who knows where else future technological progress will lead?
(719 words) Time taken _______

advancement /ədˈvɑ:nsmənt/ n.进步;晋升
e.g. His rapid advancement in his research field is very admirable.他在自己的研究领域取得的飞速进步是十分令人钦佩的。
This job offers very good opportunities for advancement.这份工作有很好的晋升机会。
pebble /ˈpebl/ n.鹅卵石
e.g. There are many pebbles on the riverbed.河床上有很多鹅卵石。
The pebble made a ripple on the surface of the lake.石子在湖面上激起一个涟漪。

knot /nɒt/ n.(线、绳等的)结
e.g. You need a sharp knife to cut through the knot.你需用快刀才能把结切断。
The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo.这个结系得那么紧,根本解不开。
primitive /ˈprɪmətɪv/ a.原始的;简陋的
e.g. Primitive people often lived in caves.原始人常常住在山洞里。
They built a primitive shelter out of the tree trunks.他们用一些树干建造了一个简陋的棚子。
possession /pəˈzeʃn/ n.拥有;财产
e.g. We've bought the house,but we can't get possession of it before July.我们买下了这幢房子,但要到七月份才算实际拥有。
The people had to gather up their few possessions and escaped abroad.人们不得不收拾起仅有的一点财物逃到国外去。
abacus /ˈæbəkəs/ n.算盘
e.g. The abacus is the ancestor of the modern computer.算盘是现代电脑的前身。
The calculator is rapidly replacing the abacus.计算器正在迅速取代算盘。
bead /bi:d/ n.珠子
e.g. The hat was decorated with colored beads.那顶帽子上饰有彩色珠子。
The girl is wearing a bead necklace.女孩戴了一条珠子项链。
electronic /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk/ a.电子的;电子设备的
e.g. I like to read books on electronic music.我喜欢读关于电子音乐的书。
This electronic dictionary includes some animations.这本电子词典中有一些动画片。
locate /ˌləuˈkeɪt/ v.找出;把……设置在
e.g. Would you please help me locate this address?你能帮助我找到这个地址吗?
The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river.这家公司希望把新工厂建在河边。
calculation /ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn/ n.计算;估计
e.g. Your calculation is accurate and correct.你的计算结果准确无误。
By his calculation, we will be there in an hour.据他估计,我们一小时后能到那儿。
e.g. He can speak English fluently and accurately.他能准确流利地说英语。
They accurately predicted solar eclipses.他们精确地预告了日食。

capacity /kəˈpæsəti/ n.容积,容量;能力
e.g. The lift has a capacity of 15 persons.这部电梯的承载容量为15人。
He has a great capacity for learning languages.他学语言的能力很强。
revolutionize /ˌrevəˈlu:ʃənaɪz/ v.彻底变革;使革命化
e.g. Computers have revolutionized banking.计算机彻底改变了银行业。
The use of atomic energy will revolutionize the lives of the coming generations.原子能的使用将使人类未来的生活有革命性的变化。
enormous /ɪˈnɔ:məs/ a.巨大的,极大的
e.g. Long ago enormous animals lived on the earth.很久以前,地球上生活着巨大的动物。
They have done this with enormous success.他们这项工作取得了极大的成功。
coordinate /kəʊ'ɔ:dɪneɪt/ v.协调
e.g. He is an excellent athlete; all his movements are perfectly coordinated.他是个优秀的运动员,他所有的动作都非常协调。
If we coordinate our efforts, we should be able to win the game.如果我们同心协力,我们应该能够打赢这场比赛。
diverse /daɪˈvɜ:s/ a.不同的;多种多样的
e.g. They are the people from diverse cultures.他们是些有着不同文化背景的人。
The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and Beijing Opera.节目涉及从流行音乐到京剧这样形形色色的题材。
manufacturer /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərə(r)/ n.制造商
e.g. They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer.他们直接从制造商那里购买了这台机器。
All the goods are labelled with the address of the manufacturer.所有商品均标明了生产厂家的地址。
upgrade /ˌʌpˈɡreɪd/ v.升级;提高
e.g. You have to upgrade your computer.你必须升级你的计算机。
We need to upgrade the pay and status of teachers.我们需要提高教师的工资和地位。
civil /ˈsɪvl/ a.公民的
e.g. The law shall strictly protect civil rights.法律应严格保护公民的权利。
He has applied for a civil service job.他申请了公务员的工作。
liberty /ˈlɪbəti/ n.自由,自由权
e.g. They took up arms and fought for their faith and liberty.他们拿起武器为信仰和自由而战。
I am afraid that I am not at liberty to discuss this matter.对不起,我无权讨论这个问题。
compile /kəmˈpaɪl/ v.编辑,编纂,编制
e.g. It takes many years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.编纂一部好词典要花多年心血。
We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job.我们在努力编制一份适合做这项工作的人员的名单。
cyberspace /ˈsaɪbəspeɪs/ n.网络空间
e.g. The laws of privacy and copyright still apply in cyberspace.关于隐私权和版权的法律也适用于网络空间。
In many ways, cyberspace mirrors the real world.在很多方面,网络空间就是现实世界的写照。
hacker /ˈhækə(r)/ n.黑客

e.g. This site was attacked by a hacker last week.上周这个网站被黑客攻击了。
The police spent a long time tackling the hacker who ruined the network.警方花了很长时间对付那个毁坏了电脑网络的黑客。
military /ˈmɪlətri/ a.军事的
e.g. They are making further efforts to decrease military spending.他们正在做进一步的努力来减少军费开支。
You cannot enter a military base without a permit.无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
spam /spæm/ n.垃圾电子邮件
e.g. Please delete the spam from your mailbox.请从电子信箱中删除垃圾邮件。
Spam and viruses will be blocked at the earliest possible point.垃圾邮件和病毒可以被尽早阻止。
swamp /swɒmp/ v.淹没;使陷入沼泽(或淤泥等)
e.g. His words were swamped by the laughter.他的话淹没在笑声之中。
All our feet were swamped in the mud.我们的脚都陷在淤泥中了。
frustrate /frʌˈstreɪt/ v.挫败,挫伤
e.g. Difficulty and failure do not frustrate his enthusiasm.困难和失败都没有挫伤他的热情。
They made their preparations to frustrate the conspiracy.他们做好准备挫败这个阴谋。
Phrases and Expressions

wildest dream最疯狂的梦想
e.g. If your wildest dream came true,what would it be?如果你最疯狂的梦想会成为现实,那将是什么?
He succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.他万万没想到会成功。
click away按一下鼠标即可;滴答滴答地响,轧轧地响
e.g. Nowadays,it's just a click away to buy things online.目前网上购物你只要按一下鼠标即可。
The sewing machine was clicking away.缝纫机轧轧地响着。

in one's hands在某人手里;由某人处理/管理等
e.g. Can you show me what you have in your hands?你能把你手里的东西给我看看吗?
The mission rests entirely in your hands.任务就全靠你了。
decimal system十进制
e.g. The decimal system is based on units of ten.十进制法是以十为单位的。
The decimal system of counting led to the important branch of mathematics.十进位计算制推动了数学这一重要分支的产生。现在队长们把完成的工作都记下来。
keep records of把……记录下来
e.g. The team leaders now keep records of work done.
Keep records of your trading results.对你的交易结果做好记录。
right up直到
e.g. She wears clothes that are right up to date.她穿最时新的衣服。
I felt it was now or never and went right up to him.我感到机不可失,所以径直走到他面前。
firing table射表
e.g. The examination results of multi-group experimental data show that the method is effective and practical, and is of great significance in general firing table examination.多组试验数据检验结果证明了其有效性和实用性,对今后通用射表的检验有一定的指导意义。
Based on this theory, the method for the computation of the firing table was designed.根据这个理论,计算射表的方法被设计出来了。

with speed and accuracy快速并精准地
e.g. Applying the computer to accounting work enables accountants to work with incredible speed and accuracy.把电脑运用于财会工作,可取得惊人的速度与精确度。
They can finish new tasks with speed and accuracy.他们能快速而准确地完成新的任务。
on behalf of为了;代表
e.g. He agreed to testify on behalf of the accused man.他同意为被告作证。
The lawyer spoke on behalf of his client.律师代表当事人说话。
carry out实行,执行,进行;完成,实现
e.g. We are carrying out some scientific experiments.我们正在进行一些科学实验。
He did not carry out his promise to us.他没有兑现对我们许下的诺言。
be flooded with充满;被……所淹没
e.g. Their bedroom was flooded with sunshine.他们的卧室充满阳光。
We were flooded with calls from worried parents.我们被那些焦虑的父母们的电话淹没了。
keep track of记录;了解,跟上……的进展
e.g. Her mother used to keep track of every penny she spent.她母亲从前把自己所花的每一分钱都记下来。
He reads the newspapers to keep track of current events.他阅读报纸以了解时事。
be dependent on依赖,依靠
e.g. You can't be dependent on your parents all your life.你不可能一辈子靠父母生活。
It is nice not to be dependent on them.不依靠他们是好的。母很多钱。
at great expense花了很多钱,以很大的代价
e.g. She went on a year-long tour of Europe,at great expense to her parents.她到欧洲旅行一年,花了她父
The enemy captured the city at great expense.敌人以巨大的代价占领了这座城市。
open up打开;开放;提供(机会)
e.g. Coughing like that might open up your wound.你那样咳嗽会把伤口震开的。
As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods.随着市场的开放,我想人们将能够花更多的钱购置消费品。
mainframe computer计算机主机
e.g. These terminals are connected to our mainframe computer.这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。
All of the information was then coded and entered into a mainframe computer.所有这些信息接下来都被编成了代码然后输入一台大型计算机里。

Proper Name

Understanding the Text

Multiple Choices
Directions In this section there are 8 questions. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer according to the text.
1.Which of the following led to the great advancement in science and technology?
A. Abacus.
B. Electronic calculator.
C. Information.
D. Computer.
2.Which of the following did ancient people create?
A. Telephone wire.
B. The electronic calculator.
C. The abacus.
D. The firing tables.
3.What was the original purpose of inventing a computer?
A. To create a fast calculating machine.
B. To keep good records of people's possessions.
C. To identify the location of the enemy.
D. To coordinate domestic and international tasks.
4.When was the first computer produced?
A. During the First World War.
B. During the Second World War.
C. In ancient times.
D. By the mid-1980s.
5.Who produced the first computer?
A. The Moore School of Engineering.
B. The US Army.
D. None of the above.
6.Which of the following can truly describe the development of computers over time?
A. Computing power increased and prices increased too.
B. Computing power increased and prices remained the same.
C. Computing power increased while prices decreased.
D. None of the above.
7.What have revolutionized our lifestyles?
A. Hard drives.
B. Online business activities.
C. Emails.
D. Computers.
8.According to the author, to which direction will the future technology lead?
A. To the positive side.
B. To the negative side.
C. Not known.
D. None of the above.

Directions Work in pairs or groups to discuss the following questions.
Different people have different relationships with their computers. How would you describe your relationship with your computer and why?

Language Exploration

Word Focus: Blank Filling
Directions Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words indicated in the brackets. Then complete the following sentences with the words from the filled table. Each word can be used only once.

1.These years our country _______ greatly in science and technology.
2.Different people _______ different skills.
3.His apartment is in a really good _______.
4.I'm trying to _______ how much money we need.
5.The manager talked a long time about the importance of a full and _______ report.
6.The invention of aircraft caused a _______ in our ways of travelling.
7.Our country is known for its cultural _______.
8.He owns three companies. One of them _______ cars.
9.Up till now nobody _______ into the company's central database.
10.The student asked some _______ questions.
11.The company is trying to improve its _______ image.
12.When he got the answer, he shook his head in _______.
Sentence Completion: Blank Filling
Directions Use the words or expressions provided in the box to complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English.
wildest dream with speed and accuracy keep track of be flooded with on behalf of be dependent on at great expense right up click away open up
1.____________________________ (代表) the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work.
2.When I was small I was told ____________________________ (记录下) every cent I spent.
3.His wealthy parents bought him a grand beach house ____________________________ (花了很多钱).
4.She doesn't think her company would succeed even in her ____________________________ (最疯狂的梦想).
5.They ____________________________ (开放) their books to the public next month.
6.The grand clock ____________________________ (滴答滴答地响着) at the museum.
7.It took us twenty minutes to drive ____________________________ (一直) to her front door.
8.Lisa has the ability to type ____________________________ (快速并准确).
9.During those years, he ____________________________ (依靠) his friends for financial support.
10.To his surprise, the little girl's room ____________________________ (充满) toys.
Text B Cybercrime and Preventive Measures


About two months ago I received an email, the subject of which was “10-million-dollar winner”. Out of curiosity I opened it, but to my disappointment it was a fraud. Then my father received bills for many different things that had been purchased on our account on the Internet. My father got very angry because he thought that either my brother or I had purchased all those items. Finally we found out that a hacker purchased all those items with our account number. The hacker gained entry through a message that I had opened. So we became victims of cybercrime and ended up paying thousands of dollars.
Cybercrime is defined as any criminal activity involving computers and networks. It can range from fraud to spam. Cybercrime includes anything from downloading illegal music files to stealing millions of dollars from online bank accounts. Cybercrimes have risen so dramatically in recent years that they have largely replaced old-fashioned, organized crimes.
However, cybercrime prevention can be achieved fairly quickly and in a cost-effective manner. When armed with a little technical advice and common sense, computer users are able to avoid many cyber attacks. The following tips are basic ways to prevent cybercrime.
Keep the computer system up to date. Cyber criminals frequently use software flaws to attack computer systems. Most Windows-based systems can be set up to download software patches and updates automatically to prevent cyber criminals from exploiting flaws in software packages. This will also deter a number of automated attacks criminals use to break into your system.
Choose a strong password and protect it. Usernames and passwords are used for almost every online transaction today. A strong password should be at least eight characters in length with a mixture of letters and numbers. Using the same password for various sites or systems increases the risk of discovery and possible exploitation. It is never a good practice to write a password down and leave it near the computer system to use later.

Keep your firewall turned on. A firewall helps to protect your computer from hackers who might try to crash it, delete information, or steal passwords and other sensitive information. The software is prepackaged on some operating systems or can be purchased for individual computers. For multiple networked computers, hardware routers typically provide firewall protection.
Install or update your antivirus software. Antivirus software is designed to prevent malicious software programs from embedding on your computer. If it detects malicious code, like a virus or a worm, it works to disable or remove it. Viruses can infect computers without the users' knowledge. Most types of antivirus software can be set up to update automatically. Failure to keep this software current is where a majority of the issues arise.
Protect your personal information. Using many of the online services today involves sharing basic personal information including name, home address, phone number, and email address. Using common sense is the best way to protect against and prevent cybercrime. Do not respond to email messages that contain misspellings, poor grammar, odd phrases, or web sites with strange extensions. When in doubt about responding to an email, consider a telephone call to the organization to verify authenticity.
If it seems too good to be true, it is. No one is going to receive a large sum of money from a dead Nigerian politician or win a huge lottery from being “randomly selected from a database of email addresses”. Many of these crimes go unreported because the victims are too embarrassed to admit to law enforcement departments that they are deceived.
Turn off your computer. With the growth of high-speed Internet connections, many prefer to leave their computers on and ready for action. The disadvantage is that being “always on” renders computers easier to be attacked. Beyond firewall protection, which is designed to prevent cyber attacks, turning the computer off effectively cuts off an attacker's connection.
The bottom line is that for every preventive measure that you take, you limit your chances for becoming a victim of cybercrime. The more difficult it is for a cyber criminal to successfully attack a target, the more likely he or she is to leave it alone and move on to an easier target.
(709 words) Time taken _______


cybercrime /ˈsaɪbəkraɪm/ n.网络犯罪
e.g. Cybercrime is a growing problem in the computer age.在电脑时代,网络犯罪已成日益猖獗的问题。
Fighting this kind of crime, which is called cybercrime, requires great efforts and involves countries working together.打击这样的犯罪,即网络犯罪,要求极大的努力和各国协力工作。
preventive /prɪˈventɪv/ a.预防的
e.g. We had to take preventive measures.我们不得不采取预防措施。
Vaccines given before you get infected are called preventive vaccines.在感染之前接种的疫苗称为预防性疫苗。
fraud /frɔ:d/ n.欺骗,诈欺;骗子
e.g. She was put on trial for fraud.她因涉嫌诈骗而受审。
He told people that he was a serious and well-known musician, but he was actually a fraud.他告诉人们说他是一个严肃的著名音乐家,实际上却是个骗子。
purchase /ˈpɜ:tʃəs/ v.买,购买
e.g. Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.票必须提前两周买。
I want to purchase some computers from your company.我想从你们公司购买一些电脑。
entry /ˈentri/ n.进入;入口
e.g. People without a ticket are denied entry.没有票的人不许入内。
You should add an entry to this section.你应该给这部分增加一个入口。
victim /ˈvɪktɪm/ n.受害者;牺牲者
e.g. The victim was knifed in the chest.受害者胸部被刺了一刀。
He was the victim of injustice.他是不公平的牺牲者。
criminal /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ n.犯罪的,犯法的
e.g. Murder and stealing are criminal acts.谋杀和偷盗都是犯罪行为。
They were investigating a criminal case.他们正在调查一桩刑事案件。
e.g. No matter who wins this election,the direction of the country is going to change dramatically.不管谁最后赢得胜利,这个国家未来的发展方向将发生急剧的变化。
His quality of life has improved dramatically since the operation.手术后他的生活质量大大改善了。
cost-effective /kɒst ɪ'fektɪv/ a.划算的;有成本效益的
e.g. They are not cost-effective if applied to all patients.如果应用到所有病人,它们是不划算的。
Clean energy is cost-effective for governments and enterprises.清洁能源对政府和企业来说都是有利可图的。
patch /pætʃ/ n.小片;补丁
e.g. There was a patch of garden behind the house.屋后有一小块园地。
She inserted a patch in the sleeve.她给袖子打了个补丁。

deter /dɪˈtɜ:(r)/ v.使不敢,威慑;阻止
e.g. Bad weather didn't deter them from starting their vacation.恶劣的天气也没打消他们开始度假的念头。
No difficulty can deter us from trying it again.任何困难都不能阻止我们再试一次。
automated /'ɔ:təʊmeɪtɪd/ a.自动化的
e.g. This part of the assembly process is now fully automated.装配过程的这一部分现在是全自动的。
It reduces risks by means of automated testing.它以自动测试的方法降低了风险。
mixture /ˈmɪkstʃə(r)/ n.混合;混合物
e.g. Everything we see is made up of mixture of these four elements.我们所看见的一切都是由这四种元素混合产生的。
Air is a mixture, not a compound of gases.空气是气体的混合物,不是化合物。
exploitation /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn/ n.开发;利用
e.g. The exploitation of natural resources was hampered by the lack of technicians.自然资源的开发因缺少技术人员而受阻。
A central theme of the discussions was WHO's concern over increasing cases of commercial exploitation of human materials.讨论的一个中心主题是世卫组织对日益增多的人体材料商业性利用的案例的关注。
firewall /ˈfaɪəwɔ:l/ n.防火墙
e.g. The corporate firewall is a double-edged sword.企业防火墙是一把双刃剑。
Firewall is an effective measure of network security.防火墙是保证网络安全的一种有效措施。
prepackaged /pri:'pækɪdʒd/ a.预先包装好的
e.g. When you buy prepackaged food,do you check the food labelling or not?你购买预先包装好的食物时,会留意食物上的标签吗?
The watch is prepackaged in attractive display boxes.
verify /ˈverɪfaɪ/ v.证实,核实
e.g. Several people were sent out to verify whether it was true.几个人被派去核实情况是否属实。
Let me verify your name and address.让我来核实一下你的姓名和地址。
router /ˈru:tə(r)/ n.路由器
e.g. The server should be behind a firewall or a router capable of blocking ports.服务器应该位于防火墙或能阻塞端口的路由器之后。
What is the name or address of the remote router?远程路由器的名称或地址是什么?

malicious /məˈlɪʃəs/ v.怀恶意的;恶毒的
e.g. I dislike people who spread malicious gossip.我不喜欢那些散布怀恶意的流言蜚语的人。
He cares nothing about the malicious attack on his reputation.他对别人对他名声的恶毒攻击置之不理。
embed /ɪm'bed/ v.嵌入,插入
e.g. This allows you to embed a set of default resources in that assembly.这允许你将一组默认资源嵌入该程序集中。
There is a piece of glass embedded in the cut.有一片玻璃扎在伤口里。
disable /dɪsˈeɪbl/ v.使失去能力;使残废
e.g. He was disabled from walking by the accident.由于车祸,他不能走路了。
The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。
infect /ɪnˈfekt/ v.传染;感染
e.g. Almost the entire class were infected by the flu virus.全班几乎人人都被传染上了流行性感冒病毒。
The young teacher infected the whole class with her enthusiasm.这位年轻的老师以她的热诚感染了全班。
misspelling /ˌmɪs'spelɪŋ/ n.拼写错误;拼写错误的词
e.g. Your composition is good except for some misspellings.除了一些拼写错误外,你的作文是好的。
The teacher wiped the misspelling from the blackboard.老师把黑板上拼错的词擦了。
lottery /ˈlɒtəri/ n.彩票,奖券
e.g. Congratulations on winning the lottery!恭喜你中了彩票!
What would you do if you win the lottery?如果你中了奖券,你会做什么?

e.g. The doctor randomly selected about half of the patients to undergo supportive group therapy once a week.医生随机挑选出大约一半的病人,对他们进行每周一次的支持性团体治疗。
The following two examples are cited randomly.以下两个例子是随意举出来的。
enforcement /ɪn'fɔ:smənt/ n.实施;执行
e.g. The enforcement of this law will clear the way for further reform.该项法律的实施将扫除进一步改革的障碍。
The new center will have no law enforcement function.该新中心将不具有法律执行功能。
deceive /dɪˈsi:v/ n.欺骗,行骗
e.g. She deceived them by pretending to be a famous movie star.她冒充著名的电影明星来蒙骗他们。
Don't deceive under any circumstance.在任何情况下都不要行骗。
render /ˈrendə(r)/ v.提供;使成为
e.g. We are going to render them economic assistance.我们打算向他们提供经济援助。
His back injury rendered him unfit for the job.他的背伤使他无法胜任这份工作。
Phrases and Expressions

out of curiosity出于好奇心
e.g. Children often ask questions out of curiosity.儿童常常因好奇而发问。
Out of curiosity, I asked him why he had decided to become a monk.出于好奇我问他当初为什么出家当和尚。
end up结束;告终
e.g. The chairman finally ended up his speech.主席终于结束了演说。
You will end up in debt if you keep spending money like that.你要是老这样花钱,总有一天要负债。
range from从……到
e.g. Her children's ages range from three to eighteen.她的孩子们的年龄在3岁到18岁之间。
The room rates at this motel range from $30 to $50 per day.这个汽车旅馆的房价从每天30美元到50美元不等。
set up建立,创立;装配,设置
e.g. It is now our aim to set up a factory.我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
The army has set up road blocks round the city.军队在城市周围设置了路障。
break into闯入;打断
e.g. The house was broken into last night.昨天夜里有人闯进了房子。
Don't break into their conversation.不要打断他们的谈话。
in length在长度上
e.g. The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.这房间长15英尺,宽10英尺。
The documents varied in length and quality.这些文件在篇幅和质量方面各不相同。
protect from保护……不受;使……免于
e.g. The plants should be protected from the cold.应该保护这些植物使之不受冻。
Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza?是否有供人用的疫苗来保护人们免于感染猪流感?
in doubt可怀疑的;不能肯定的
e.g. Do not waste life in doubt and fear.勿在疑惧中虚度年华。
Their acceptance of the contract is still in doubt.他们是否接受那合同还说不准。
a large sum of一大笔
e.g. Can I trust him with a large sum of money?我可以把一大笔钱托付给他吗?
He must have earned a large sum of money.他一定是挣了一笔巨款。
cut off切断;切掉,砍掉,剪掉
e.g. Our water supply has been cut off again.我们的供水又被切断。
He cut off the branches from the trunk.他把树干上的小分枝剪掉了。
leave alone不理,不干涉;让单独待着
e.g. They leave their daughter alone in the house on weekdays.平时他们把女儿独自留在家中。
The committee left alone his proposal.委员会不理会他的建议。
Proper Name

Understanding the Text

Questions and Answers
Directions Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.
1.What is the subject of the email that the author received about two months before he wrote the article?
2.How did the father feel when he received bills for many different things?
3.Who purchased all those items on their account?
4.What is cybercrime?
5.How can computer users prevent many cyber attacks?
6.What is recommended as the best way to protect against and prevent cybercrime?
7.What should a strong password be?
8.Why is it suggested to turn off the computer when it's not in use?
Language Exploration
Word Focus: Multiple Choices
Directions There are 15 questions in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.

1.He arrived and prevented the little boy _______ the tree.
A. of climbing
B. in climbing
C. from climbing
D. to climb
2.Don't touch the wound with your dirty hand if you don't want to _______ it.
A. affect
B. effect
C. perfect
D. infect
3.The children must not _______ hungry.
A. to go
B. go
C. to come
D. come
4._______ the development of economy, more and more people possess their own cars.
A. As
B. By
C. Of
D. With
5.He did it entirely _______ kindness, not for the money.
A. as for
B. out for
C. out of
D. as of
6.She will come _______ this week _______ next week.
A. either … nor
B. neither … or
C. either … or
D. not … or
7.Regularly _______ in the open is of much benefit to your health.
A. to walk
B. that walks
C. walked
D. walking
8._______, the more serious the problems become.
A. The more does it rain
B. The more it is rain
C. The more raining it is
D. The more it rains

9.We must keep learning and keep our eyes and ears _______
A. opening
B. open
C. opened
D. to open
10.Nick's job as a salesman involves _______ around the whole state.
A. travelling
B. to travel
C. travelled
D. being travelled
11.If you stay in the rain for too long, you'll end _______ a cold.
A. up catching
B. by catching
C. with catching
D. in catching
12.When trained with knowledge and skill, _______.
A. this problem can be easily solved
B. we can easily solve the problem
C. this problem can be solved easily
D. we can solve easily the problem
13._______ our great surprise, the ice cream was all gone.
A. By
B. For
C. To
D. With
14.The child walked _______ slowly _______ catch up with me.
A. so … to
B. so … that
C. too … to
D. too … that
15.The children's ages range _______ ten _______ fourteen.
A. since … till
B. along … till
C. within … to
D. from … to