5.4 考研真题详解
1. 所以今天早上我初次望见这个不常见的银白世界时,我不禁衷心希望这里的雪能多下几场,这样英国的冬天才能更增添几分冬天的味道。[北京外国语大学2012研]
【译文】This morning, when I first caught sight of the unfamiliar whitened world, I could not help wishing that we had snow oftener, that English winters were more wintry.
2. 最后我听了一堂音乐课,应该说是欣赏了一堂音乐课。[北京外国语大学2011研]
【译文】The last class I had, or more accurately, enjoyed, was a music lesson.
【解析】汉语里面的量词多译为英语里面的冠词,这里的“一堂”表示“一次”行为,需要加不定冠词,根据句意可用“a lesson”来译。
3. 一年内,张辰从一名普通职员做到了项目经理,工资翻了几番。[北京林业大学2005研]
【译文】A year later, he was promoted from an employee to a project manager and his earnings multiplied several times.
【解析】“翻番”可译为“multiplied”,“几番”表概数,译为“several times”即可。
4. 而在此之中,类似张辰这样,选择主动失业的占到了一半以上。[北京林业大学2005研]
【译文】Among those who were unemployed, over 50% opted to be out of work as Zhang did.
【解析】将“一半以上”译为“over 50%”比“half”更加清楚明了。
5. 1957年10月苏联成功发射第一颗人造卫星,揭开了人类历史由地球迈向太空的第一页。[北航2010研]
【译文】On October, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first artificial satellite, which turned the first page in human history of entering the space.
【解析】专有名词前需要加上定冠词,因此“苏联”应译为“the Soviet Union”。
6. 在连绵不断的战争、学运的夹缝中,在极为恶劣的环境下,他跋涉五千里、五易校址、历经五省、颠沛流离,居然将这所他接手时只有三个学院、十六个系的大学办成拥有十七个学院、二十七个系全国最完整的两所大学之一。[北京第二外国语学院2008研]
【译文】In those years, he worked under extremely adverse circumstances, such as successive wars and student movements, and to make things even worse, the university had to move five times through five provinces over 2,500 kilometers. In spite of these difficulties and obstacles, Zhejiang University, under Zhu’s leadership, developed from a university with only three colleges and sixteen departments to one of the two most comprehensive universities in China, which consisted of seventeen colleges and twenty-seven departments.
7. 当时才十几岁的我,已模糊地认定母亲是不会舍下我们的,我们,就是她活在世上的全部理由。[上海交大2007研]
【译文】Teenager as I was, I felt that mother would not leave us alone, and we are all the reasons for her existence in the world.
8. 送儿女来上学的以父亲居多,有些是父母同来,父母们本来千差万别的脸,个人化特征在此时得到淡化而呈现出相同的气质:劳碌、疲惫,初到异地的怯懦和谨慎,以及其情甚殷,唯恐儿女吃亏的心态。[华东理工大学2006研]
【译文】It’s mostly the fathers who perform this duty. Sometimes both parents come. The highly personalized faces of the parents which usually differ from one another in a thousand and one ways fade at this moment and display the same look: fatigue, exhaustion, the timidness and cautiousness of a new comer, and the concernedness for fear that their offspring might be treated unfairly.
【解析】“千差万别”和“differ from one another in a thousand and one ways”都表示概数,语义对等,如此翻译更符合英文的表达习惯。
9. 作家有三种死法。一曰自然的死,二曰痛苦的死,三曰快乐的死。[上海对外贸易学院2003研]
【译文】A writer has three options when it comes to his end: a natural, painful, or happy death.
10. 其实那年我已二十岁,北京来往过两三次,是没有甚么要紧的了。[华东理工大学2005研]
【译文】Actually, I was 20 then and had already traveled on the Beijing-Pukou Railway a couple of times.
11. 天上有些星子,但大半都不明亮。只有对面的香港成了万颗星点的聚合。[上海外国语大学2006研]
【译文】There scattered some stars in the heavens but most of them were not quite bright while Hong Kong in the distance made a constellation of stars.
【解析】“a constellation of”表示“一系列的”,能准确传达原文“万颗”的含义。
12. 我是个最喜欢在十丈红尘里奔走道路的人。[上海外国语大学2007研]
【译文】Actually I’m the kind of person that wants to keep my feet moving.
13. 我常说,了解中国是要花一番功夫的,只看一两个地方是不够的。[华南理工大学2018研]
【译文】I often say that it takes much effort to know China and it is not enough to just visit one or two places.
14. 改革开放是中国共产党历史上的一次觉醒,是决定当代中国命运的关键举措,也是决定实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的关键举措。[四川师范大学2018研]
【译文】Reform and Opening policy is an awakening in the history of Chinese Communist Party, a key measure to determine the fate of contemporary China, and a pivotal action to achieve the goal of “Two Hundred Years” and the great rejuvenation of Chinese.
15. 中国经济持续30年保持10%以上的增长速度,经济总量已经位居世界第二。中国解决了13亿人的温饱问题,为世界贫困人口减少的贡献超过70%。[四川师范大学2018研]
【译文】The economy of China has maintained a growth rate of more than 10% for 30 years, and its economic aggregate has ranked second in the world. China has solved the problem of food and clothing for 1.3 billion people and contributed more than 70% to the reduction of the world’s poor.
16. 在此过程中,地区国家逐渐形成了具有鲜明东亚特色的10+3合作文化,可用三个关键词来归纳:一是共识;二是联通;三是全面。[广西民族大学2018研]
【译文】In the process of 10+3 cooperation, regional countries have cultivated an East Asian cooperation culture, featuring three words that start with the letter C: The first word is Consensus. The second word is Connectivity. the third word is Comprehensiveness.