Unit 4
Text I
1.puritan [5pjuEritEn] n. a person who practices or preaches a more strict moral code than that which exists清教徒:His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing.他的放荡生活和他的清教徒教养相悖。
2.overshadow [7EuvE5FAdEu] v. a) to make insignificant by comparison; to dominate使(某人)相形见绌或黯然失色:Mary was sometimes overshadowed by the more talkative members of the family.有时家中更健谈的人使玛丽显得黯然失色。b) to make an occasion or period of time less enjoyable by making people feel sad or worried使(某事物)令人不快或减少乐趣:His disappearance overshadowed the family.他的失踪给家庭蒙上了一层阴影。
3.fetish [5fi:tiF, 5fetiF] n. something regarded with extravagant trust or respect被盲目崇拜之物,迷恋物:Do away with all fetishes and superstitions.破除一切盲目崇拜和迷信。He makes a fetish of his new car.他把自己的新汽车奉若神明。
4.flunk [flQNk] v. to fail, especially in a course or examination(使)(考试、某学科的成绩等)不及格:He didn’t flunk out, but his record isn’t so hot.他没有不及格,但成绩很一般。
5.bumper [5bQmpE] n. a usually metal or rubble bar attached to either end of a motor vehicle, such as a truck or car, to absorb impact in a collision(汽车上的)保险杠,缓冲器:Can you straighten out the dent in the bumper你能将保险杠上的凹处修理好吗? adj. usually large or rich特大的,丰盛的:Farmers have reported a bumper crop this year.据报道今年庄稼大丰收。
6.traipse [treips] v. to walk wearily拖着脚步走:We spend the afternoon traipse from one shop to another.我们用了一下午的时间逛商店,疲惫不堪地逛了一家又一家。
7.licentiousness [lai5senFEsnis] n. a lack of moral restraint, especially in sexual conduct放荡,无法无天,淫乱:Without law, liberty also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness.没有法律,自由也同样名实具亡,就是无法无天。
8.swill [swil] v. a) to drink greedily or grossly大口喝,痛饮(尤指酒类):They sat there swilling champagne.他们坐在那里大喝香槟酒。b) to wash something by pouring a lot of water over it or into it冲洗,刷洗(某物) Swill the car with clear water.用清水冲洗汽车。
9.epitome [i5pitEmi] n. a representative or an example of a class or type缩影:The divisions we see in this school are the epitome of those occurring throughout the whole country.我们在这所学校中看到的各个部门是全国各校的缩影。
10.damper [5dAmpE] n. something that stops an occasion from being as enjoyable as it was intended to be起抑制作用的因素:Her very presence placed something of a damper on the conversation-in much the same way as it had at school.有她在场,谈话往往会变得扫兴,这一点仍然象她在中学时那样。
11.reverent [5revErEnt] adj. with a feeling of respect and admiration恭敬的,虔敬的:Be reverent before each dawning day. 要对到来的每一天充满敬意。
12.mirth [mE:W] n. laughter, amusement or happiness欢乐;欢笑:She thought my mirth improper.她认为我高兴是不合时宜的。
13.blaspheme [blAs5fi:m] v. to swear, to use words which show a lack of respect for God or religion亵渎,辱骂,中伤:After that I ceased to blaspheme, but I cursed my father.从那以后,我不再诅咒上帝,而是诅咒我的父亲。
14.scan [skAn] v. a) to examine closely细查,审视,观测,严密监视:The detective scanned every bit of evidence.侦探仔细检查了每一样证据。b) read roughly粗略地读;浏览;翻阅:I scanned the newspaper for the information I needed.我浏览报纸寻找自己需要的信息。
Text II
1.thrill [Wril] n. a sudden strong feeling of excitement and pleasure, or the thing that makes you feel this强烈的兴奋、恐惧或快乐感:His speech caused a thrill among the audience.他的演说引起了听众的极大兴奋。
2.multiplication [7mQltipli5keiFEn] n. a method of calculating in which you add a number to itself a particular number of times乘法:We had multiplication tables drilled into us at school.以前我们上学得反复背诵乘法表。
3.flatter [5flAtE] v. a) give a feeling of pleasure or honor to sb.奉承,使高兴:I was very flattered by your invitation to talk at the conference.承蒙你邀我在会上讲话,深感荣幸。b) to make someone look as attractive as they can使显得更漂亮:That dress really flatters your figure.这件衣服使你身材显得更娇美。
4.sensational [sen5seiFEnEl] adj. a) intended to interest, excite, or shock people - used in order to show disapproval(报章等) 哗众取宠的;耸人听闻的:a sensational account of a murder谋杀案耸人听闻的报道;b) very interesting, exciting, and surprising轰动性的,引起哗然的:The arrival of a taxi was unusual enough; an unknown woman getting out of it was sensational.来了辆出租车就够奇怪的了,从里面出来一名陌生女子就更引人注目。
5.triumph [5traiEmf] v. joy or satisfaction at being successful or victorious成功或胜利的喜欢,满足:I could detect no triumph in his eyes.我在他眼里读不出胜利的喜悦。
6.vanish [5vAniF] v. a) disappear completely and suddenly消失,消散:With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish.魔术师手一挥兔子便不见了。b) extinguish不复存在,绝迹,消亡:Many types of animal have now vanished from the earth.许多动物物种现已从地球上绝迹。
7.riot [5raiEt] n. a) a situation in which a large crowd of people are behaving in a violent and uncontrolled way, especially when they are protesting about something暴乱,骚乱:They ran riot through the town after the defeat of their team.自己的球队输了以后,他们在小镇上到处撒野。b) richness or abundance极度丰富:The garden was a riot of color.花园里色彩缤纷。
8.affection [E5fekFEn] n. a feeling of liking or love and caring喜爱,爱,热爱:If the interviewer asked about your family or school speak with loyalty and affection.当面试官提到你的家庭和学校时,你说话时要显得忠诚和热爱。
9.exaltation [7e^zC:l5teiFEn] n. a very strong feeling of happiness极度的兴奋:Her mood of exaltation united her with the others, with the whole marching movement.极度的兴奋把她和其他的人,和整个游行示威运动联系起来。