Unit 4
Text I
1.mocking [5mCkIN] adj. abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule嘲弄的,嘲笑的,奚落的:Hearing what he said, she gave a mocking smile.听到他说的话,她嘲弄的笑了笑。
2.significantly [sIg5nIfIkEntlI] adv. in an important way or to an important degree重要的是,值得注意的是:Significantly, some professors have changed their teaching practices to accommodate the students.值得注意的是,一些教授已经改变了他们的教学方法来适应学生。
3.regardless [rI5gB:dlIs] adj. do not think or considerate不管,不顾,不注意:Our country takes in anybody regardless of religion, color, or creed.我们国家接纳任何人,不论其宗教、肤色或信仰。
4.facilitate [fE5sIlEteIt] v. make easier促进,帮助,使容易:The new emerging market will facilitate the development of tourism.新兴市场将促进旅游业的发展。
5.fundamental [fQndE5mentl] adj. serving as an essential component基本的,基础的,根本的:Our constitution embodies the fundamental benefits and interests of the civilians.我们的宪法体现了人民的基本利益。
6.profound [prE5faund] adj. far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect深厚的,意义深远的:This is a book full of profound, original, and challenging insights.这是一本充满厚重感、新颖且富有挑战性见解的书。
7.peril [5perIl] n. a state of danger危险,冒险:They said that they believe this at their peril.他们说他们相信这个是危险的。Researchers ignore this situation at their peril.研究者忽视这种情况是很危险的。
8.involve [In5vClv] v. contain, include包括,包含,涉及:I seem to have involved myself in something I don’t understand.我似乎已经使自己卷入了我不了解的事情当中。
9.nostalgia [nC5stAldVIE] n. longing for the past or the family思乡病,思家病,怀旧之情:Many Taiwanese have a sense of nostalgia for the mainland.很多台湾人对大陆都有一种思乡之情。
10.untranslatable [QntrAns5leItEbl] adj. not easy to translate into another language难译的,不易译的:Some of the materials are easy to translate, some are untranslatable.一些材料很容易翻译,一些则不易译。
11.despair [dI5speE] n. a feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well绝望,令人绝望的人或事:Giving up the attempt in despair is sometimes unreasonable.绝望中放弃尝试有时并非明智。
12.hover [5hCvE] n. being undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action犹豫,徘徊:We will lose everything in hovers.我们会在犹豫中失去一切。
13.head-on [5hedCn] adv. Directly直接地,不偏不倚地:Once again, I chose to confront the issue head-on.我又一次选择了直面这个问题。
14.insurmountable [InsE5mauntEbl] adj. impossible to surmount or overcome不能克服的,不能超越的: The misery we are faced with is no longer insurmountable when we have someone fighting with us.当有人愿意和我们一起战斗时,我们所遭遇的不幸就不再是如此的不可逾越。
15.linguistic [lIN5gwIstIk] adj. related to language和语言相关的,语言的:The ability to speak is a fundamental test of linguistic competence.会话能力是对语言能力的基本的测试。
16.compromise [5kCmprEmaIz] n. an accommodation in which both sides make concessions妥协,和解,折中:A compromise to life is a step to death of the soul.向生活妥协一次,就意味着灵魂向死亡走近了一步。
17.sliced [slaIst] adj. cut into pieces切成薄片的:The meat sliced is easy to cook.肉切成薄片才好煮。
18.hybrid [5haIbrId] adj. something that is a mixture of other things混合物:The hybrid world need us to adapt to not vice versa.这个融合的世界需要我们去适应,而非相反。
19.accordingly [E5kC:dINlI] adv. in accordance with相应地:When the environment changes, we should change ourselves accordingly.当环境改变时,我们应当做相应的调整。
20.complacent [5kCmplEsEnt] adj. being very pleased with themselves or feeling that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous:自满的,自鸣得意的:We cannot afford to be complacent about our current natural environment.我们对我们现在的自然环境自满不起。
Text II
1.perfectly [5pE:fIktlI] adv. in a perfect or faultless way完美地,完全地,无瑕疵地:You know perfectly what I am saying.你很清楚我在说什么。
2.via [5vaIE] prep. go through a place on the way to your destination取道,经过,经由:The exciting news reached us via a friend of mine.这个激动人心的消息是通过我的一个朋友传到我们这里。
3.telltale [5telteIl] adj. gives away information报警的,泄密的:Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betray the fatigue he was suffering.只有在他眼周发红的时候才偶尔显出他有多么疲劳。
4.fidget [5fIdVIt] v. keep moving your hands or feet slightly or changing your position slightly, for example, because you are nervous, bored, or excited动来动去的:There were two students, fidgeting around, waiting to ask questions.有两个新来的学生,坐立不定,等着提问。
5.fiddling [5fIdlIN] adj. small and of little importance无用的;无足轻重的;微不足道的(等于fiddly):Fiddling details will reflect a person’s quality to some extent.细节在某种程度上可以反映一个人的品质。
6.rub [rQb] v. move over something with pressure擦,摩擦,擦破:The lovely dog was rubbing against my feet.这条可爱的小狗在我的脚上蹭来蹭去。
7.bundle [5bQndl] n. a collection of things捆,束:He gathered a bundle of his clothing into the cabinet.他把他的衣服捆起来,放到柜子里。
8.irritate [5IrIteIt] v. cause annoyance刺激,使兴奋,激怒:Their arrogant attitude irritated me.他们的傲慢态度激怒了我。
9.clasp [klAsp] v. hold firmly and tightly紧抱,扣紧,紧紧缠绕:She clasped the children to her.她紧紧地搂住孩子们。
10.tug [tQg] v. pull hard用力拉,拖,拽:A little boy came running up and tugged at my sleeve excitedly.一个小男孩跑了过来,兴奋地拽着我的袖子。
11.lobe [lEub] n. the soft, fleshy part at the bottom of your ear耳垂
12.briskly [5brIsklI] adv. In a brisk/ swift manner迅速地,活泼地:She jumped out of the bed briskly.她迅速跳下床。
13.snatch [snAtF] v. to make grasping motions抓,挠:He snatched up the telephone only to hear to devastating news.他一把抓起电话,只是收到了晴天霹雳般的消息。
14.toddler [5tCdlE] n. a young child who has only just learned to walk or who still walks unsteadily with small, quick steps学步的小孩
15.quandary [5kwCndErI] n. state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options困惑,窘境,为难:The single mother appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many homeless people.这位单身妈妈对如何安置这么多无家可归的人显得不知所措。