第5单元 赫尔曼•梅尔维尔
1. What are the stories Ismael tells about Moby Dick?
Key: Ishmael describes the appearance and mysteries of Moby Dick. He thinks that Moby Dick is not only ubiquitous but immortal. Many whalers want to haunt and conquer it, but no one can do that. When Moby Dick fights with men, it always can survive and recover from its wound and injuries. On the contrary, men are usually injured by it seriously.
2. Why does Ahab react so violently against the white whale? Ishmael suggests that Ahab is “crazy” and calls him “a raving lunatic.” Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
Key: Because that the white whale bit off one leg of Ahab, and he resolved to take revenge on it.
I agree with Ishmael. Because, on the one hand, the white whale not only injured Ahab’s body, but also injured his mentality and self-respect. His torn body and gashed soul bled into one another, which made him mad. So, he becomes a raving lunatic whose only aim is to revenge. On the other hand, it seems mad to try to fight the forces of nature and God, symbolized by Moby Dick in this story.
3. What narrative features can you find in the selected chapter?
Key: Melville employed the technique of multiple view of his narrative to portray Moby Dick to achieve the effect of ambiguity and let readers judge the meaning.