第4章 安妮·布雷兹特里特和爱德华·泰勒
4.1 复习笔记
I. Anne Bradstreet(1612-1672) (安妮·布雷兹特里特)
(1) Anne Bradstreet is one of the most interesting of the early poets. Both her father and her husband were governors of Massachusetts, all coming here on the first voyage of the Arbella in June 1630.
(2) Her first published work appeared in London titled as The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America.
(3) Some of Anne Bradstreet’s poetic ventures were overambitious, but she wrote well with a note of piety when she dealt with the simple events of her daily life.
(1) 安妮·布雷兹特里特是美国早期最有趣的诗人之一。她的父亲和丈夫都曾当过马萨诸塞州的总督,他们都是第一批乘“阿贝拉”到来的殖民者。
(2) 她的第一部作品在伦敦出版,名为《美国新崛起的第十位缪斯女神》。
(3) 安妮·布雷兹特里特的一些诗歌主题过于宏大,但是她对一些日常生活中的小事描写得很到位,饱含虔诚。
II. Edward Taylor(1642-1729) (爱德华·泰勒)
(1) The best of the Puritan poets was Edward Taylor, who came from England as a young man and attended Harvard, later entering the major profession of the time, the ministry.
(2) He is the most accomplished poetic craftsman of the early years. His work followed the style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century.
(3) Most of Taylor’s work treated religious themes, with many poems based directly on the Psalms.
(4) Taylor did not publish any of his work. His poems were found in manuscript in 1937, more than two hundred years after his death. This discovery brought Taylor to immediate prominence in the colonial literary history, and enriched American poetic heritage.
(1) 爱德华·泰勒是清教徒诗人中最优秀的一位,青年时期来自英国,读完哈佛大学后成为一位专职牧师。
(2) 他是早期诗歌成就最突出的一位诗人。他采用的是17世纪中期英国主流诗人的写作形式和风格。
(3) 泰勒的大部分作品是以宗教为主题的,并且许多作品直接是基于《圣经》中的诗篇而作的。
(4) 泰勒没有出版任何作品。直到他去世两百余年后的1937年,他的手稿才被发现。这一发现立刻使得泰勒成为美国殖民时期文学的重要代表人物,丰富了美国的诗歌传统。