第3章 约翰·科顿和罗杰·威廉姆斯
3.1 复习笔记
I. John Cotton (1585-1652) (约翰·科顿)
(1) John Cotton was the first major intellectual spokesman of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and sometimes he was called “the Patriarch of New England”.
(2) John Cotton wrote several books of hard-hitting Puritan argument, but his primary influence was through the pulpit. From the time he came to Boston in 1633, he was the “teacher” or spiritual leader of the community, and its guiding influence toward the ideal of theocracy.
(3) Through John Cotton we can see an important characteristic of the Puritans. They were much more concerned with authority than with democracy.
(4) Cotton was partly responsible for Roger Williams’s exile from Massachusetts. However, whatever faults and limitations he may have had, John Cotton’s firmness and devotion to his beliefs always demanded respect.
(1) 约翰·科顿是马萨诸塞湾殖民地第一个知识分子的主要发言人,有时被称为“新英格兰的族长”。
(2) 约翰·科顿写了几本有力地说明清教徒理论的书,但是他的主要影响在于他的讲道。1633年到波士顿之后,他一直是社区的精神领袖,他所宣讲的由宗教来统治国家的神权思想直接影响了当时人们的行为。
(3) 通过约翰·科顿我们可以看到清教徒的主要特点。他们关注更多的是权威而不是民主。
(4) 科顿对威廉姆斯被驱逐出马萨诸塞州一事负有部分责任。然而,不管科顿有着怎样的缺点和局限,他对于信仰的坚定和贡献都是值得敬佩的。
II. Roger Williams(1603-1683) (罗杰·威廉姆斯)
(1) Though educated in law at Cambridge University, Roger Williams entered the church and was caught up in the Puritan tide. after he came to the Massachusetts colonies in 1631, his more democratic view of church government diverged from leaders of the settlements, leading to his exile to what is now Rhode Island, where he founded a community which he called Providence, because of “God’s merciful providence to him in his distress”.
(2) Williams heralded the history of religious toleration in America, and the history of the separation of church and state. he held that no political order or church system could identify itself directly with god. As a puritan, Williams’s toleration sprang from the idea that simply to be virtuous in conduct and devout in belief did not give anyone the right to force belief on others.
(1) 威廉姆斯曾在剑桥大学学习法律,但是没有从事法律相关的工作,而是进入教堂,沉浸在清教流派中。当他于1631年来到马萨诸塞殖民地后,他更民主的宗教观点与殖民地的领导人产生分歧,致使他被流放到现在的罗德岛州。他建立了一个叫“天意”的社区,因为“逆境中上帝赐予他仁慈的天意”。
(2) 罗杰·威廉姆斯开创了美国宗教容忍异己的历史,也开创了美国政教分离的历史。作为一个清教徒,威廉姆斯的容忍是来自于一种朴素的思想,即行为正直,信仰虔诚,没有任何权力将信仰强加于任何人。