Passage 9 数字时代对青少年的影响 The Influence of Digital Age on Teens
Step 1 阅读行不行
Teachers say the digital age has had a good influence—and a not-so-good influence—on this generation of American teenagers. More than 2,000 middle and high school teachers took an online survey. Researchers also spoke with teachers in focus groups.
Three-quarters of the teachers said the Internet and digital search tools have had a “mostly positive” effect on their students' research habits and skills. But 87 percent agreed that these technologies are creating an “easily distracted1 generation with short attention spans2 .” And 64 percent said the technologies“do more to distract students than to help them academically3 .” Many students think “doing research” now means just doing a quick search on Google.
The Pew Internet Project did the survey with the College Board and the National Writing Project. A majority of the teachers came from Advanced Placement classes, which provide college-level work for high school students.
Judy Buchanan is deputy4 director of the National Writing Project and a co-author of the report. Ms. Buchanan says digital research tools are helping students learn more, and learn faster.
But one problem the survey found is that many students are lacking in digital literacy5 . In other words, they trust too much of the information they find on the Internet. Judy Buchanan says these students have not developed the skills they need to judge the quality of online information.
Another problem the survey found is blamed on something that might not seem like a problem at all: being able to quickly find information online. Teachers say the result is a reduction6 in the desire and ability of their students to work hard to find answers. They say students are overly dependent on search engines and do not make enough use of printed books or research librarians.
Many teachers are also concerned that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done by others instead of using their own abilities.
keywords and phrases
1 distract /dɪ'strækt/ vt. 分散(注意力);使分心
2 span /spæn/ n. (注意力的)持续时间;跨度
3 academically /ˌækə'demɪklɪ/ adv. 从学术观点;关于学院或大学
4 deputy /'depjʊtɪ/ adj. 副的,代理的
5 literacy /ˈlɪtərəsɪ/ n. 读写能力;文化;教养
6 reduction /rɪˈdʌkʃn/ n. 减少;降低
phrase to know
digital age 英语中常用age表示“时代”,如:Bronze Age(青铜时代), the age of steam(蒸汽时代), golden age(黄金时代)。所以digital age就是“数字时代”,数字信息技术融入了我们的日常生活,随着数字技术的发展我们的生活也更加数字化。那么未来将会是什么样子?真的难以想象……
blame sth on sb / sth 表示“把……归咎于,指责”,如:blame the failure on him(把失败的责任推卸给他)。blame这个词在口语中很常用,如果要表示“我不怪你。你只能怪你自己。”就可以说:I don't blame you. You only have yourself to blame. 此外,blame还可以做名词用,如:Why are you trying to put the blame on me?意思是“你为什么总想把责任推到我身上呢?”
Step 2 手写行不行
★ 玩电脑游戏有时会使我们无心做作业。(distract from)
★ 小孩子的注意力集中时间很短。(attention span)
★ 安德鲁学习成绩一般,但体育方面很出色。(academically)
★ 她是那所学校的代理主任。(deputy)
★ 很多成年人在读写和生活技能方面都有困难。(have problem with)
★ 许多公司已经宣布大量裁员。(reduction)
Step 3 口语行不行
Q1 How do you define digital age?你如何定义数字时代?
Q2 How does digital age impact employment?数字时代如何影响就业?
Q3 What downsides does the digital age bring with it?数字时代带来哪些消极影响?
Step 2 手写行不行答案
1.Playing computer games sometimes distracts us from homework.
2.Young children have a limited attention span.
3.Andrew was only average academically, but was good at sports.
4.She is the deputy director of the school.
5.Many adults have some problems with literacy as well as life skills.
6.Many companies have announced a radical reductions in staff.
Step 3 口语行不行答案
1.The digital age is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry to an economy based on information computerization. The onset of the digital age is associated with the digital revolution, just as the industrial revolution marked the onset of the industrial age. During the digital age, a knowledge-based society has been created.
2.In digital age, production workers and service workers are being replaced by computers that can do the job more effectively, precisely and faster. Those who perform tasks which are easily automated are being forced to find work which involves tasks that are not easily automated, while the “mental labourers” are able to compete successfully in the world market and command high wages.
3.Though information technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more convenient, it has also brought along privacy issues. From cell phone signal interceptions to email hacking, people are now worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge. In digital age, we also find it harder to concentrate. A variety of irrelevant stimuli tend to distract us more than ever before. In addition, we are more internet-addictive. It is reported that brain changes of those with internet addiction are similar to those of drug or alcohol addicts.