Chapter 1 求职准备

1你的求职意向是什么?What's your job search intention?
词组释义job search intention求职意向
2我主修商务英语专业。I major in business English.
词组释义major in主修,专攻
3我在找一个薪资高的工作。I am looking for a highly-paid job.
同义表达I want a high salary job.
4我想有一天成为一名科学家。I want to be a scientist someday.
重要词汇scientist ['sa??nt?st] n. 科学家
5我期待这份工作。I'm looking forward to the job.
词组释义look forward to期望,盼望
6我希望有朝一日能成为贵公司的员工。I hope to be an employee of your company one day.
重要词汇employee [?m'pl??i:] n. 雇员,员工
7我渴望干大事业。I am eager to do something big.
重要词组be eager to do sth 渴望做某事
8杰森最想有朝一日能成为一名工程师。Jason would like nothing better than to be an engineer in the future.
同义表达There is nothing better than to be an engineer in the future for Jason.
9为什么你最喜欢当记者?Why do you prefer most to be a reporter?
重要词汇reporter [r?'p?:t?(r)] n. 记者
10这份工作与我以前的工作经验密切相关。This job is closely related to my previous work experience.
同义表达My previous working experience makes me fit for this job.
11我认为贵公司是这一领域的领导者。I think the company is a leader in this field.
重要词汇field [fi:ld] n. 领域,场地,田
12我想在贵公司挑战自己。I would like to challenge myself in your company.
词组释义challenge oneself挑战自己
13我的专业知识使我能够胜任这份工作。I am adequate to this work according to my professional knowledge.
重要词汇adequate ['?d?kw?t] a. 足够的,适当的
14尼娜喜欢一份有挑战性的工作。Nina likes a challenging job.
词组释义challenging job挑战性的工作
15我在找一份与我的专业知识相关的工作。I'm looking for a job related to my professional knowledge.
词组释义relate to涉及,与……有关
16他的首选是有晋升前景的工作。His first choice is a job with prospects for promotion.
重要词汇prospect ['pr?spekt] n. 前景,期望
17我想找一份能提升自己的工作。I'm looking for a job that can improve me.
重要词组look for sth寻找某物
18这位女士有计算能力的优势。The lady has the advantage of computing power.
词组释义have the advantage of有……优势
19琳达确信自己能够成为一名优秀的会计。Linda is confident that she can be an excellent accountant.
重要词汇accountant [?'ka?nt?nt] n. 会计
20汤姆通过了注册会计师考试。Tom passed the exam for a certified public accountant.
词组释义certified public accountant注册会计师
21你的姐姐正在寻找什么样的工作?What kind of job is your sister looking for?
同义表达What kind of job would your sister like to do?
22这个学生需要一份兼职工作。The student needs a part-time job.
词组释义part-time job兼职工作
23我儿子想从事教育行业。My son wants to stay in education field.
重要词汇education [?ed?u'ke??n] n. 教育,教育学
A: Hello. Jerry. I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you doing these days?
B: I am looking for a job. Have you found your job yet?
A: Not yet. ① To tell you the truth, I don't know what kind of work I'm going to do yet. What's your job search intention?
B: I always wanted to open a restaurant. But now I want to take up a job related to my professional knowledge.
A: That would be great. ② My family also wants me to have a job which is related to③ my professional knowledge.
B: Don't you think so? I remember you have a good knowledge of④professional knowledge. It should be easy for you to find such a job. ⑤
A: Yes, you are right. But I would like nothing better than to open a company some day.
B: Wow. That's a magnificent ambition. What are you hesitating about?
A: My family doesn't support me.
B: That is a tough problem. You should create a bridge between you and your family. They will understand you.
A: I will have a try. By the way, have you got a job?
B: Not yet. My first choice is a job with prospects for promotion.
A: A good supervisor is also very important.
B: That's true.
professional [pr?'fe??nl] a. 专业的
magnificent [m?g'n?f?snt] a. 宏伟的,伟大的
ambition [?m'b??n] n. 抱负,志向
supervisor ['su:p?va?z?(r)] n. 管理者,上级
① Not yet.表示“还没有。”是英语中的一个高频口语,表示否定的意思;而yet表示“还,然而,已经”,没有否定的意思。
② That would be great.表示“那就太好了!”常用于口语之中,would是will的过去式,也可以是That will be great. 但是相比That would be great.比较生硬。
③ be related to...表示“与……有关”,相当于be relevant to...,但是be relevant to...强调相关性,即是否有联系。
④ have a good knowledge of表示“精通,掌握,对……很了解”,倾向于对知识的了解。
⑤ be easy for sb to do sth表示“对某人来说容易做某事”,也可以直接使用be easy to do sth表示“容易做某事”。
Dream Job
Jack found a dream job—testing games. His first day at work he was listing testing plans in an Excel program when his manager walked by. The manager looked at his screen for a moment, and said sternly, “I'd better not catch you using Excel in company time when you know you should be playing games.”


1我们公司需要有管理经验的律师。A lawyer with management experience is needed in our company.
词组释义management experience管理经验
2这里需要行政助理。Administrative assistant is needed here.
重要词汇assistant [?'s?st?nt] n. 助手,助理
3需要一个能上晚班的男士。There needs a man who can work on the night shift.
词组释义night shift夜班,晚班
4这是一份需要有经验的推销员的工作。Here is a job which needs an experienced salesman.
重要词汇experienced [?k'sp??ri?nst] a. 有经验的
5这家公司有一个主管的职位。The company has a position for a director.
重要词汇director [d?'rekt?(r)] n. 主管,主任
6这家机构需要一个有经验的老师。The agency needs an experienced teacher.
词组释义an experienced teacher一个有经验的老师
7我们需要一个擅长电脑的人。We need a person who is good at computer.
重要词组be good at sth擅长某事
8这个学院需要几个化学老师。The college needs several chemistry teachers.
词组释义chemistry teacher化学老师
9公司需要一个有管理经验的人。The company required a man with the working experience in management.
重要词汇require [r?'kwa??(r)] v. 要求,需要
10这家工厂急需生产线主管。The factory badly needed a line supervisor.
词组释义line supervisor生产线主管
11该职位只面向有三年以上教学经验的人进行招聘。The job is only open to people with over three years' experience in teaching.
重要词汇experience [?k'sp??ri?ns] n. 经验,体验
12这个部门需要一个能够胜任销售管理工作的人。The department needs a person who is competent in marketing management.
重要词汇competent ['k?mp?t?nt] a. 有能力的,能胜任的
13我们公司有一个秘书的空缺职位。There is a vacant position for a secretary in our company.
词组释义vacant position空缺职位
14公司正在寻找一名兼职打字员。The company is looking for a part-time typist.
重要词汇typist ['ta?p?st] n. 打字员
15这是关于烘焙师招募的信息。Here is the information about the recruitment of roasters.
重要词汇recruitment [r?'kru:tm?nt] n. 招募
16这个店正在招聘婚纱顾问。The shop is looking for a wedding consultant.
词组释义wedding consultant婚纱顾问
17这家餐馆正在招聘十名送货员。The restaurant is trying to recruit ten delivery men.
重要词汇recruit [r?'kru:t] v. 招聘,征募
18这家花店急需一个花艺师。The flower shop badly needed a florist.
词组释义flower shop花店
19这家新的便利店需要七个店员。Seven shop assistants are needed in this new convenient store.
词组释义convenient store便利店
20这里需要有商务英语背景的人。A man with business English background is needed here.
重要词汇background ['b?kgra?nd] n. 背景
21我们提供人力资源总监一职。We have a position for a human resource director.
词组释义human resource director
22在报纸上有很多职位信息。There is a lot of job information in the newspaper.
词组释义job information职位信息
A: Good morning, sir. May I help you?
B: Yes. I'm calling in reference to① a job which your company posted on the line. Could you check it for me?
A: Certainly. Just wait a moment. We have posted several positions. Which position are you interested in②?
B: It is a position in your marketing department③. Is it available?
A: Yes. The application for the position will be valid until next Friday. Do you have any experience?
B: Yes, I have. What are your requirements for the job?
A: If you are interested in this job, please give me your resume.
B: I didn't take the resume with me④, but I can send you one. Could you give me a brief introduction about this position?
A: Sure. The job is only open to people with over three years' experience in selling. It belongs to⑤ the marketing department.
B: I think I can do this job.
A: Could you fill out the application form right now?
B: Of course.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Not at all.
reference ['refr?ns] n. 参考,参考书 v. 引用,参照
available [?'ve?l?bl] a. 可获得的
application [??pl?'ke??n] n. 申请,适用,运用
① in reference to表示“关于”,是一个固定搭配,类似的表达还有:in regard to,as to。reference也可以用于terms of reference,表示“委托范围”。
② be interested in...表示“对……感兴趣”,后面可以接名词、代词或者动名词,interested作形容词,主语通常是人。
③ marketing department表示“销售部门”,相当于sales department。
④ take sth with sb表示“随身携带某物”,是一个固定的用法;而take sth to sb表示“把某物带给某人”。
⑤ belong to表示“属于”,是一个固定搭配,类似的表达还有:be part of,be geared to,pertain to。
