.NET自从2002年诞生以来,已经成为世界领先的桌面和Web开发框架。目前世界上有超过10万个的Web网站使用.NET作为网站开发框架。从全球范围来看,使用ASP. NET技术开发的Web网站远远大于用Java、Python、Ruby、Node.js和Go等语言开发的Web网站数量。
在2014年11月,我们让.NET开源并运行在所有如macOS、Linux等主流操作系统上。这是我们对.NET生态系统进行“刷新”的时刻。我们已经创建了针对企业级应用程序进行云优的.NET Core模块。我们在Github上为.NET创建了一个充满活力的社区。在中国,我们已经看到腾讯和网易等公司将.NET Core应用于支付和游戏等关键工作任务之中。
我们听到了成千上万希望学习.NET的新开发人员对更好的学习资料的强烈需求。我要感谢李争花时间写了一本好书,帮助中国的开发者利用.NET Core构建应用。
我们期待听到您对我们产品的反馈。我们迫不及待地想知道您使用.NET Core构建了怎样的应用。
潘正磊(Julia Liuson)女士
.NET "hit refresh"
Since its original inception in 2002, .NET has become one of the most popular framework for desktop and web worldwide.It's the platform of choice of the top one hundred thousand websites worldwide,you will find more websites developed with ASP. NET than Java,Python,Ruby,Node.js and Go combined.
In Nov 2014, we made .NET open source and run on all operating systems,eg Mac, Linux etc.This was the moment when we "hit refresh" on .NET ecosystem.We have created .NET core which is modular and cloud optimized for enterprises who are interestedin developing cloud native applications.We have created a vibrant community for .NET on Github.In China, we have seen adoption from companies like Tencent and NetEase targeting critical workload like payment and gaming.
We have heard strong demands about better learning materials from hundreds of thousands of new developers wanting to learn .NET.I want to thank Michael for taking the time and writing a great book that would help our developers in China building on .NET core.
We look forward to hear your feedback on our product.We can't wait to see what you build with .NET core.
Julia Liuson