With an ever-increasing growth of data in both business and consumer uses, the need for storage of the data also continues to grow at an unprecedented pace. Intel technologies such as Intel® Optane™SSD, and Intel® Optane™persistent memory serve as examples of disruptive innovation, providing dramatically improved performance and entire new functionality to the storage industry.
Infrastructure software, storage, computing and network functions will serve a broad range of application platform requirements for 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving, and Big Data Analytics. Open source storage software is critically important in developing and delivering innovative solutions. This book introduces open source storage technologies and techniques for software-defined storage solutions covering both hardware and software. Intel is a leading contributor of open source software and storage hardware IP and products, including contributions for open source storage software development, such as Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library (ISA-L), Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK), and the Ceph project.
In China, open source and software-defined storage have been well adopted and applied across many different types of application scenarios. A strong ecosystem of storage software developers and solutions providers have been created and are delivering value to the market through their innovations. We hope the technologies and techniques covered in this book will be useful to the open source communities in China and the rest of the world.
Sandra Rivera
Senior Vice President and General Manager
Network Platforms Group
Intel 5G Executive Sponsor