3.5 同音异义词和近音词
Example 4
The driver is looking at the car’s tires.['taiəz]
The driver tires me.['taiəz]
He’s studying for a test.[test]
It doesn’t taste good.[teist]
The man is giving a present to the woman.['preznt]
The men present a product to the woman.[pri'zent]
There isn’t enough air in the room.[εə]
His hair isn’t long enough.[hεə]
There are a lot of people on the train.[trein]
A lot of people left because of the rain.[rein]
They’re shaking hands.['∫eikiŋ]
He’s checking their hand luggage.['t∫ekiŋ]
They are on the same line.[lain]
They are on the same lane.[lein]
They are leaving the boat.['li:viŋ]
They are living on a boat.['liviŋ]
He fell off a tree.[fel]
He felt free.[felt]