第2章 小测试 1 全题型

小测试 1 答题卡



托业桥 Mini-test 1
This is the listening section of the test.There are three parts to this section.
Directions: You will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements.
Look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.Then mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Look at the sample below and listen to the four statements.

Statement (B), “The boys are reading”, best describes what you see in the picture.Therefore, you should choose answer (B).
Sample Answer
(A) ● (C) (D)
Now let us begin PartⅠwith question number one.





Source: www.bigfoto.com

6.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
11.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
12.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
13.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14.How long does the man want to stay?
(A) One week.
(B) One night.
(C) Two nights.
(D) Four nights.
15.When will they go to the movies?
(A) Today at 4:15.
(B) This evening at 8:30.
(C) Tomorrow at 4:15.
(D) Tomorrow at 8:30.
16.What will the weather be like this afternoon?
(A) Windy.
(B) Sunny.
(C) Wet.
(D) Dry.
17.How will they go to the airport?
(A) By train.
(B) By bus.
(C) By taxi.
(D) On foot.
18.Who is Jessica Smith?
(A) A visitor.
(B) A manager.
(C) Mr Sakamoto’s colleague.
(D) An assistant.
This is the end of the Listening Comprehension portion of the test.Turn to PartⅣof the test.

19.I cannot find my sunglasses._____ I borrow yours?
(A) Can
(B) Have
(C) Does
(D) Had
20.Do you want _____ to the meeting?
(A) her to come
(B) that she comes
(C) them coming
(D) coming
21.Before _____ his own company, he worked as a taxi driver.
(A) founding
(B) to found
(C) find
(D) founded
22.Do you know the students _____ to the teacher?
(A) they are listening
(B) who are watching
(C) who is listening
(D) who are talking
23.Mr Jones is _____ on the phone but I have informed him that you are here.
(A) until
(B) still
(C) again
(D) ever
24.Our company is larger than_____.
(A) they
(B) their
(C) theirs
(D) there’s
25.In this country, children _____ to school on Sundays.
(A) has gone
(B) have gone
(C) go
(D) is going
26.We must concentrate _____ the next advertising campaign.
(A) on
(B) to
(C) at
(D) like
27.All those companies borrowed money _____ the same bank.
(A) from
(B) at
(C) after
(D) to
28.Ms Cooper _____ in 1978.
(A) born
(B) is born
(C) was born
(D) has been born

Questions 29-30 refer to the following advertisement.

29.What is Doobie’s corner?
(A) A bar.
(B) An office.
(C) A sports team.
(D) A TV channel.
30.What usually happens between 5:00pm and 8:30pm?
(A) Drinks are more expensive.
(B) Doobie’s corner is closed.
(C) A DJ performs.
(D) Drinks are cheaper.
Questions 31-33 refer to the following notice.

31.When is the regular laundry service available?
(A) Every day.
(B) After 7am.
(C) On Sundays.
(D) 24 hours a day.
32.What is said about the express cleaning service?
(A) Clothes are picked up in the afternoon.
(B) Clothes are returned the next day.
(C) It is more expensive.
(D) The hotel takes responsibility for all incidents.
33.What is the main purpose of this notice?
(A) To sell clothes.
(B) To inform guests.
(C) To give guests a five-dollar rebate.
(D) To indicate room changes.
Questions 34-35 refer to the following form.

34.Who is this message for?
(A) Grace O’Neill.
(B) Alison Mc Guire.
(C) Mike Osborne.
(D) Ed Powell.
35.Which document is missing?
(A) A contract.
(B) The minutes of a meeting.
(C) A catalog.
(D) An invoice.